Yogyakarta – The wave of criticism by the academic community against the leadership of President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo continues to grow.
Documents containing the term 'Unhas'

Erick Tanjung – Student groups in various parts of the country took to the streets on Monday September 5 to hold demonstrations protesting the recent fuel (BBM) price hike.

Jakarta – The Mining Advocacy Network (JATAM) says that 11 people were arrested by the South Sulawesi regional water police (Polair) during an action against the ship Boskalis which was mining sand at a local fishing area on Kodingareng Island on Saturday morning, September 12.

Jakarta – The acting director general for health services at the Health Ministry, Abdul Kadir, says that Indonesia no longer needs large scale social restrictions (PSBB), despite the fact that the corona virus (Covid-19) pandemic is not over yet.

Jakarta – Another hammer-and-sickle flag case has again raised its head after a flag with the communist logo was found in Makassar. Over the years such cases have occurred unintentionally, have related to scholarly studies, hoaxes intended to trigger unrests, criminalisation of activists and the revival of identity politics.

Alfian, Makassar -- The momentum of Youth Pledge Day on Monday October 28 was used by students and local people in the South Sulawesi provincial capital of Makassar to again take to the streets to voice their demands.

Petunia – Students planning to convey concerns their about the commercialisation of education to President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo at the Hasanuddin University (Unhas) in the South Sulawesi provincial capital of Makassar have been blocked by fully armed soldiers and paramilitary police.

Prayudha, Makassar – Rezki Ameliyah, known by her friends as Melia, has had to swallow a bitter pill. Melia along with her friend and fellow student Mohammad Nur Fiqri have been suspended for two semesters after putting up posters reading “Campus feels like a factory” at the Hasanuddin University (Unhas) in Makassar, South Sulawesi.

[The following is a slightly abridged translation of a statement by the People's Struggle Front (FPR) condemning recent acts of violence by police against peaceful protests opposing the Indonesian government's planned fuel price hikes.]
Greeting of struggle,

Gunawan Mashar, Jakarta – Scores of students in the South Sulawesi provincial capital of Makassar from the United Opposition (Front Oposisi Bersatu, BOB) have for the umpteenth time held a demonstration against military presidential and vice-presidential candidates.