Sabrina Mutiara Fitri, Ihsanuddin, Semarang – Exactly 18 years since the first Kamisan (Thursday) action was held, dozens of activists have again taken to the streets to fight for justice for victims of human rights violations.
Documents containing the term 'Wadas'
Adhyasta Dirgantara, Ambaranie Nadia Kemala Movanita, Jakarta – The Civil Society Alliance for Police Reform held a demonstration to reject revisions to the National Police Law (UU Polri) on Car Free Day (CFD) in Central Jakarta on Sunday June 30.
Sabrina Asril, Jakarta – Amnesty International Indonesia Executive Director Usman Hamid has criticised the response by presidential candidate number 2.
Jawahir Gustav Rizal – Amnesty International Indonesia has condemned the violence by security forces against residents of Rempang and Galang Islands near Riau Island.
Nirmala Maulana Achmad, Jakarta – The Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) has highlighted cases of human rights violations that have followed the same pattern in 2022 as in previous years.
YLBHI Chairperson Muhammad Isnur said that the same model was used by the government when was attempting to steal community land.
Jakarta – The Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) says that there was an increase in environmental damage and the theft of community land in a number of parts of Indonesia throughout 2022.
Jakarta – Residents of Wadas Village in Central Java from the Wadas Village Nature Concern Social Movement (Gempadewa) held a silent auction around their village on Thursday July 14.
Reiner Brabar, Jayapura – The Papua People's Petition (PRP) as the group responsible for the simultaneous actions with the principle agenda of rejecting revisions to the Special Autonomy Law (Otsus) on Papua, opposing the planned creation of new autonomous regions (DOB) in Papua and calling for a referendum in West Papua, read out the following
Jakarta – Residents from the Wadas Village Nature Concern Social Movement (Gempadewa) were blocked by razor wire when they held an action on International Environment Day at the offices of the Central Java governor in Semarang on the afternoon of Monday June 6.
Vitorio Mantalean, Jakarta – Institute for Public Research and Advocacy (Elsam) Advocacy Manager Busyrol Fuad suggests there is a paradox within the government over agrarian policies.
Sahabandi – On Friday May 13, the Greater Jakarta Papua People's Petition Joint Secretariat (PRP Sekber Jabodetabek) and the Indonesian People's Front for West Papua (FRI-WP) held a protest action with the theme "Expel the Indonesian occupation through the DOB and Otsus in West Papua", referring to the plan to create new autonomous regions in Pa
The issue of sexual violence is still encountered in every layer of society, including the office environment and educational institutions.
Vitorio Mantalean, Jakarta – The Indonesian Independent Journalist Alliance (AJI) has condemned the hacking and disinformation attacks against AJI General Chairperson Sasmito Madrim.
In a written release, the AJI stated that the incident is a "serious threat to press freedom and the freedom of expression".
Tatang Guritno, Jakarta – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) is asking Coordinating Minister for Security, Politics and Legal Affairs Mahfud MD to apologise for his statements earlier this month on the conflict at Wadas Village in the Bener sub-district of Purworejo regency, Central Java.
Tatang Guritno, Jakarta – Scores of Wadas Village residents in the Bener sub-district of Purworejo regency, Central Java, were arrested and detained by police.
Eleonora PEW – Academics from a number of campuses have declared their opposition to the construction of an andesite rock quarry at Wadas Village. They are urging Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo to revoke the environmental impact assessment (AMDAL) for the site.
Jakarta – The Yogyakarta Legal Aid Foundation (LBH) says that in addition to the @Wadas_Melawan (@Wadas_Resists) Twitter account, eight other Twitter accounts belonging to Wadas Village residents have been suspended.
Delvira Hutabarat, Jakarta – In an upload on its Instagram social media account on Monday February 14, the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) accused the administration of President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo of resembling the New Order regime under former president Suharto.
From an editorial in the Jakarta Post titled A glimpse of a police state.
Jakarta – Anyone wondering what a police state in Indonesia would look like must watch the video clips of last week's ugly scenes in Wadas, a village near the Central Java town of Purworejo.
From an article by titled Presidential hopefuls must talk about real issues, not just focus on image building.