Theo Kelen, Jayapura – The Papua representative office of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) is urging the Manokwari Municipal Police (Polresta) to immediately arrest OU, the alleged perpetrators of the shooting of senior advocate and human rights defender
Documents containing the term 'human rights defenders'

Maulana Ilhami Fawdi, Jakarta – The National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) noted that between January and December 2024 there were 113 human rights incidents in Papua, 85 of which had the dimensions of armed confli

Jayapura – The Journalist Justice and Safety Advocacy Coalition (KAKKJ) in Papua, which consists of journalists, human rights defenders, students, the Cipayung Group and the Front, held a peaceful demonstration in front of the Papua Regional Police (Polda) Headquarters in Jayapura city, Papua, on Tuesday December 17.

Gamaliel Kaliele, Sorong – Papua Independent Indigenous Communities (MAI) General Chairperson Johanes Tsenawatme has condemned the attitude of the government which continues to ignore threats against human rights activists in the land of Papua.

Muhammad Ridwan – The Solidarity Action Committee for Munir (KASUM) says it regrets efforts to obstruct investigations by the National Human Rights Commission's (Komnas HAM) into past human rights violations, one of which was the alleged as

Elisa Sekenyap, Jayapura – The Merauke food and energy National Strategic Project (PSN) in South Papua is taking away indigenous Papuans right to life and worsening the environmental crisis.

Theo Kelen, Jayapura – The Indonesian Military Headquarters or Mabes TNI has stated that they will use a humanist approach in supporting national food security programs in the land of Papua, especially the 1 million hectare rice field National Strategic Project (PSN

Kiki Safitri, Ihsanuddin, Jakarta – Research and Partnership Institute Executive Director Laode M Syarif says that over the decade of President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's administration (2014-2024) human rights defenders in Indonesia have

Jakarta – Representatives of a protest action by an alliance of civil society organisations including the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras), the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) and the Solidarity Action Committee for Munir (KASUM

Jakarta – The 828th Kamisan action on Thursday August 22 this afternoon thundered. A sea of protesters consisting of activists, academics, students and human rights defenders were present in front of the Presidential Palace in Central Jakarta.

Pes Yanengga, Jayapura – The All-Papua Student Executive Council (BEM Se-Tanah Papua) Alliance has urged the Papua Regional Police Chief (Kapolda) and the Manokwari Municipal Police (Polresta) to immediately reveal the perpetrator of the shooting of the senior advocate and human rights activist

Jakarta – A number of organisations that make up the Civil Society Coalition for Security Sector Reform have condemned the shooting of senior Papuan advocate and human rights activists Yan Christian Warinussy.

Jakarta – A number of organisations that are part of the Papua Human Rights and Law Enforcement Coalition have condemned the shooting of senior advocate and human rights activist Yan Christian Warinussy in Manokwari, West Papua, on Wednesday afternoon, July 17.

Jakarta – Civil society activist organisations have condemned the guilty verdict handed down by the Jepara District Court in Central Java on Thursday April 4 against Karimunjawa environmental activist Daniel Frits Maurits Tangkilisan who was indicted under the Information and Electronic Transaction (

Jakarta – A number of groups that make up the civil society coalition consider the Indonesian government through its delegation provided contradictory information on the state of Indonesia's human rights at an International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) hearing in Geneva, Switzerland, on Tuesday March 12.

Sonya Hellen Sinombor – Hundreds of women from various women's organisations commemorated International Women's Day (IWD) 2024 by marching from the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) offices to the National Monument (Monas) area in Central Jakarta on Friday March 8.

Dani Prabowo, Jakarta – Amnesty International Indonesia has recorded that 268 human rights defenders were victims of attacks throughout 2023, and that they came from a variety of backgrounds including women rights, environmental and indigenous community activists.

Sharon Muller – On Monday January 7 mass actions were launched in several cities across Indonesia demanding the release of human rights defenders Fatia Maulidiyanti and Haris Azhar, who were being tried on charges of defamation.

Novianti Setuningsih, Jakarta – A commemoration of 17 years of Kamisan (Thursday) actions was held opposite the Merdeka Palace in Central Jakarta on January 18.

Jakarta – The Civil Society Coalition for Security Sector Reform is asking that all legal proceedings against political opponents that smack of politics as well as socialisation and campaign activities in the 2024 elections be stopped.