Dian Dewi Purnamasari, Jakarta – The civil society coalition is determined not to normalize or condone the massive violations and fraud that took place during the 2024 elections.
Documents containing the term 'pesantren'

Jakarta – Defend Palestine actions have been held in several parts of Indonesia. In the Central Java city of Yogyakarta, thousands of protesters from the Islamic Community Forum (FUI) swarmed into the zero kilometre point across from the central post office on Friday afternoon, October 13.

Eka Yudha Saputra, Adelia Stevina, Jakarta – The National Police Criminal Investigations Directorate (Bareskrim Polri) for General Crimes has officially declared the founder of the Al Zaytun Islamic boarding school (pesantren) Panji Gumilang as a suspect on charges of

Singgih Wiryono, Jakarta – Indonesian Human Rights Watch (Imparsial) is advising the public to be careful about forming hasty opinions ahead of a political year, including over the controversy surrounding the Al Zaytun Islamic boarding school (pesantren) and its leader

Jakarta – Indonesia's top Islamic body the Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) has issued fatwa (edict) Number 38/2023 on laws concerning women being mosque preachers (khatib) in the context of Friday prayers (salat Jumat).

Rina Ayu, Jakarta – Opposition to Coldplay holding a concert in Indonesia has again been raised by Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) Chairperson for Islamic cultural arts and civilisation, KH Jeje Zaenudin.

Saiful Bahri I, Lhokseumawe – Female religious pupils (santriwati) from the An Islamic boarding school (pesantren) in Lhokseumawe, northern Aceh, are now required to wear the cadar (full length Islamic veil) in and around their new pesantren.

The following is a statement by the Organisation of Socialist Youth Groups (OKMS) on the terrorist attack against worshipers performing Friday prayers in Christchurch New Zealand.

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Since the 2019 presidential campaign period officially opened on September 22, both presidential and vice presidential tickets have waged “guerrilla warfare” through visits to Islamic boarding schools (pondok pesantren) in every corner of the country.

Heyder Affan – A number of locations in the vicinity of Purwodadi, Central Java, have been confirmed as sites of mass grave, places where bodies were disposed of and sites where people accused of being members or sympathisers of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) were executed in the months after October 1965.

Protesters from the Papuan Student Alliance (AMP) and religious pupils from an Islamic boarding school (pesantren) faced off against each other at the Malan city hall in East Java. Both groups held the protests under tight police security.

Laurencius Simanjuntak – Founded on July 22, 1996, or when Suharto’s New Order regime was still savage and cruel, it was not an easy time for the People’s Democratic Party (PRD). Moreover the social-democrat orientated party explicitly declared its opposition to Suharto’s power.

Muchus Budi R., Solo – Scores of protesters from the group People’s Solidarity Against Violence (Sorak) have condemned the violence that took place during a clash between the Indonesian military (TNI) and Urutsewu farmers in Kebumen regency, Central Java.

Parwito, Kebumen – A video of a clash between the Indonesian military (TNI) and residents of Urut Sewu in the area of the army’s Research and Development Office (Dislitbang) in Kebumen regency is being circulated. Released by the Urut Sewu Kebumen Farmers Advocacy Team (TAPUK), it is an amateur video recording taken by a Kebumen resident.

Parwito, Kebumen – Only 16 percent of the ownership of all the land controlled by the Indonesian military in Indonesia is clear. The ownership of the remainder, 84 percent, is unclear and to this day is still the subject of disputes with local people.

Surabaya – Prominent Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) cleric and the caretaker of the Langitan pesantren (traditional Islamic boarding school) in Tuban, East Java, KH Abdullah Faqih has been chosen to lead a group opposing the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas).

Radzie, Banda Aceh – The Preparatory Committee for the Acehnese People’s Party (Komite Persiapan Partai Rakyat Aceh, KP-PRA) will hold its first congress between February 27 and March 2. Following the congress, the party will be declared as the first local political party in Aceh.

Muhammad Nur Hayid, Jakarta – The plan to reactivate the territorial commands (Koter) down to the village level continues to spark polemic. Even the speaker of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR), Hidayat Nurwahid, has asked the government to consider the objections that have surfaced among the public.

Jakarta – The caretaker of the Darut Tauhid pesantren [traditional Islamic boarding school], Abdullah Gymnastiar or Aa Gym, has asked that the advertisement on fuel price increases in which he starred and which were sponsored by the department of communication and information be taken off the air.

Triono Wahyu Sudibyo, Semarang – Golkar Party vice-presidential candidate Salahuddin Wahid will soon be launch a VCD titled “Gus Solah [Salahuddin’s nickname] responds”. The launch will be a clarification to counter all of the accusations of gross human rights violations by [Golkar presidential candidate former armed forces chief] Wiranto.