
August 2004

Kompas – August 12, 2004

Banda Aceh – The average height of children first entering school in Aceh over the last six years has decreased by eight centimeters. In 1997 the average height of children first entering school was 119cm however by the end of 2003 the average was only 110cm (sic).

May 2004

News/Aceh – May 19, 2004

Dian Intannia, Jakarta – Army chief (KSAD) General Ryamizard Ryacudu says that reducing the status of Aceh from martial law to a state of civil emergency will not change the way security operations are conducted. The TNI (armed forces) will also not be withdrawing its troops from Aceh.

Kompas Cyber Media – May 17, 2004

Banda Aceh – On Monday May 17, demonstrations calling for the governor of Aceh, Abdullah Puteh, to resign from his post took place in three separate locations in Aceh.

News/Aceh – May 17, 2004

Nur Raihan, Banda Aceh – As may as 1000 students from the Ar-Raniry Darussalam State Institute of Islamic Studies and the Muhammadyah University along with hundreds of residents of Banda Aceh held demonstrations in three locations in the provincial capital on Monday May 17.

News/Aceh – May 14, 2004

Anton Aliabbas, Jakarta – The Free Aceh Movement (GAM) says that the government’s decision to reduce the status of martial law in Aceh to a state of civil emergency is not enough. If the TNI (armed forces) remains the people will still be repressed and continue to suffer.

News/Aceh – May 12, 2004

M.Ilaham, Jakarta – Thousands of Acehnese who are residing in Jakarta held a series of demonstrations at the offices of the coordinating minister of politics and security, the presidential palace and the national parliament on Tuesday May 11.

News/Aceh – May 12, 2004

M. Ilaham, Jakarta – The chairperson of the Association of Acehnese Families (Ikatan Keluarga Rakyat Aceh, IKARA), Faisal Syarifuddi, says that during the one year that martial law has been in place in Aceh it has brought great suffering to the Acehnese people, particularly innocent civilians.

News/Aceh – May 9, 2004

Khairul, Banda Aceh – The head of the Pidie regional military command (Kodim), Infantry Lieutenant Rochim Siregar, has been forcing all village heads to come to the Kodim headquarters with the aim of making them sign a document supporting an extension of martial law in Aceh.

News/Aceh – May 5, 2004

Alisa P Banda Aceh – According Acehnese People’s Democratic Resistance Front (FPDRA) chairperson, Thamrin Ananda, the plan by the interim coordinating minister for politics and security, Hari Subarno, to reduce the status of martial law in Aceh to a state of civil emergency following a meeting with the armed forces chief in Cilangkap, is a mealy

April 2004

News/Aceh – April 28, 2004

Luhur Hertanto, Jakarta – The Center for Electoral Reform (Cetro) is to lodge a complaint with the Constitutional Court over intervention by the Aceh Emergency Military Command (PDMD) into political parties and the National Election Commission (KPU) in the Aceh general elections.