Budi Hartadi, Singosari – Although the TNI’s (armed forces) interest in participating in regional elections has drawn criticism, army chief of staff Lieutenant General Djoko Santoso has instead given his blessing to the move under the condition that officers not wear their uniforms or use TNI facilities for political activities.
Displaying 91-100 of 132 Articles
April 2005
Agus Supriyanto, Jakarta – TNI (armed forces) chief General Endriartono Sutarto has again said that he will allow active TNI members to be nominated to run in regional elections. If they were not given permission to do this he said, he would be violating the law.
Ahmad Alheid, Menado – Dozens of students from a number of organisations in the North Sulawesi city of Menado held a demonstration opposing the Asia Africa Conference on Friday April 22. They believe that the conference agenda is taking a soft line on neo-imperialism.
Bagus Kurniawan, Yogyakarta – Dozens of students from the Indonesian Youth Front for Struggle (Front Perjuangan Pemuda Indonesia, FPPI) held an action supporting the Asia Africa Conference on Thursday April 21 but called on the conference not to become just a reunion or stage for nostalgia.
Indra Shalihinl, Jakarta – Don’t try to hold a demonstration during the Asia Africa Conference because Jakarta must look beautiful.
Jakarta – Human rights activists who’s names have been proposed by a number of non-government organisations (NGOs) to sit on the Commission of Truth and Reconciliation are concerned about the selection process at the People’s Representative Assembly (DPR).
Dian Intannia, Jakarta – Around 30 student activists, rural workers and urban-poor activists from the United People’s Alliance (Aliansi Rakyat Bersatu, ARB) are demanding that the government apply the concept of national industrialisation.
Astrid Felicia Lim, Jakarta – The People’s Representative Assembly (DPR) is disappointed over the military’s domination of Echelon I level positions in the Department of Defense. They believe that the large number of government officials from the military is a step backward for the ministry..
Jakarta – Indonesian non-government human rights organizations have asked the government to cooperate with the United Nations’ Commission of Experts.
March 2005
Astrid Felicia Lim, Jakarta – The Fact Finding Team in the case of Munir which was formed by national police headquarters has said that two perspective suspects in the murder are officers of the National Intelligence Agency (BIN).