
September 2014

Detik News – September 26, 2014

Nala Edwin, Jakarta – Prabowo Subianto’s Red and White Coalition has succeeded in returning the election of regional heads into the hands of Regional Representative Councils (DPRD) as it was under the New Order dictatorship of former President Suharto.

News/Indonesia – September 26, 2014

Sabrina Asril, Jakarta – Democrat Party (DP) politician and lawmaker Ruhut Sitompul claims that they decided to walkout before a vote on a draft law on regional elections after being ordered to do so by DP faction chairperson Nurhayati Ali Assegaf.

News/Indonesia – September 25, 2014

Persiana Galih, Jakarta – A protest action at the entrance to the House of Representatives (DPR) building in Central Jakarta opposing the Draft Law on Regional Elections (RUU Pilkada) ended in chaos. Hundreds of workers and students clashed with police after they blockaded Jl. Gatot Subroto on Thursday September 25.

Tribune News – September 25, 2014

Jakarta – Protesters from the People’s Movement for Direct Elections (Gerpala) held a long-march from the TVRI building in Central Jakarta to the House of Representatives (DPR) building on Thursday September 25.

Kompas – September 24, 2014

A last minute change of heart by President Yudhoyono’s Democrat Party, which will give a 14 seat majority in parliament to the parties opposing a draft law (RUU Pilkada) on regional elections, may not be enough to stop the passage of the bill with speculation rife that the Democrats are split as its key lawmakers have been offered leadership pos

Kompas – September 20, 2014

Man: Responsibility isn’t just about compensation Mr! (hand reads humanity)

Kompas – September 17, 2014

Man: A new paint job or improved performance Mr?

Kompas – September 16, 2014

As former New Order general Prabowo Subianto’s Red and White Coalition parliamentary majority prepares to pass a law that would put an end to the direct election of regional heads, a poll released Tuesday by the Indonesian Survey Circle found that 81.25% of respondents want local leaders to be elected directly by the people – not regional legisl

Republika – September 15, 2014

Jakarta – The Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) believes that the election of regional heads should be carried out by regional legislative councils (DPRD) because representative elections through the DPRD can minimalise the negative aspect of direct elections.

Antara News – September 15, 2014

Jakarta – Around 10,000 workers from 30 labour federations that make up the Indonesian Trade Union Congress Alliance (KASBI) Confederation held a demonstration at the Hotel Indonesia (HI) traffic circle in Central Jakarta on Monday afternoon.