
November 2020

News/Indonesia – November 23, 2020

Nicholas Ryan Aditya, Jakarta – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) says that war crimes need to be included as gross human rights violations. The group said this in the context of commemorating 20 years since the enactment of Law Number 26/2000 on a Human Rights Court.

News/Indonesia – November 20, 2020

Sabrina Asril, Jakarta – The practice of obstructing press freedom has happened again.

Analysis/Indonesia – November 17, 2020

Sania Mashabi, Jakarta – The Institute of Research, Education and Information of Social and Economic Affairs (LP3ES) says that democracy in Indonesia is experiencing a retreat, which had already been predicted by the LP3ES in its democratic outlook report in late 2019.

CNN Indonesia – November 17, 2020

Jakarta – Hundreds of workers and students from the Labour Movement with the People (Gebrak) began moving off from the House of Representatives (DPR) parliamentary complex in Jakarta to the offices of the Ministry of Education and Culture on Tuesday November 17.

CNN Indonesia – November 17, 2020

Jakarta – Hundreds of workers from the Labour Movement with the People (Gebrak) have begun packing the area near the House of Representatives (DPR) building in Jakarta in a follow up action demanding the cancelation of the recently enacted Law Number 11/2020 on Job Creation.

Analysis/Indonesia – November 16, 2020

Achmad Zulfikar Fazli, Jakarta – The Jakarta Islamic State University Social and Islamic Studies Centre (PPIM UIN) has released the results of the latest research on religious trends on social media.

CNN Indonesia – November 13, 2020

Jakarta – The draft law on alcoholic beverages has again attracted public attention after the House of Representatives (DPR) Legislative Body (Baleg) revealed plans to begin deliberating the Draft Law on the Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverages (RUU Minol).

CNN Indonesia – November 10, 2020

Jakarta – A protest action opposing Law Number 11/2020 on Job Creation took place in the Medan Merdeka area of Central Jakarta on the afternoon of Tuesday November 10.

CNN Indonesia – November 10, 2020

Jakarta – On Tuesday November 10 an alliance of social organisation grouped under the Labour Movement with the People (Gebrak) held a long-march from the International Labour Organisation (ILO) representative office on Jalan MH Thamrin in Central Java to the nearby Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue on Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat.

CNN Indonesia – November 7, 2020

Jakarta – A groups of national figures officially declared the rebirth of the Masumi Party coinciding with the 75th anniversary of the party which was first established in 1945.