Jakarta – The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) has ensured that thousands of illegal oil palm companies operating in forest area have been exonerated or legalised thanks to the Omnibus Law on Job Creation.
Displaying 51-60 of 383 Articles
November 2023
Alfiana Rosyidah dan Fachriza Anugerah – Protesters from the People's Movement for Palestine Independence (GERAK Palestine) marched through the Jalan Malioboro shopping district towards the zero kilometre point in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta on Sunday afternoon, November 19.
Ihsanuddin, Jakarta – Dozens of national figures have declared a new social movement named JAGA Pemilu (SAFEGUARD the Elections), which will monitor the 2024 legislative and presidential elections (Pemilu) so it can take place in a democratic, honest, fair, transparent and participatory manner.
Ihsanuddin, Jakarta – The University of Indonesia Political Studies Centre (Puskapol UI) has warned that efforts to mobilise village officials for political support in elections is one of the leadership styles practiced by the New Order regime of former president
Icha Rastika, Jakarta – University of Melbourne Asia Institute Social Science Director Vedi R Hadiz says that there were overly high hopes in President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo which have given birth to a huge disappointment.
Banjar Chaeruddin – The City and Universe Clean Air Initiative Coalition (Ibukota) is asking President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo to immediately implement the court ruling on improving air quality in Jakarta and its surrounding areas after the Supreme Court (MA) rejected a cassation appeal.
Jakarta – Hundreds of people calling themselves the East Java Defend Palestine Coalition descended on McDonalds and KFC fast food restaurants on Jalan Basuki Rahmat in the provincial capital of Surabaya on Friday November 17.
Icha Rastika, Jakarta – University of Melbourne Asia Institute Social Science Director Vedi R Hadiz says there is no guarantee that presidential candidate Number 2, Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto, can be controlled by President Joko "Jokowi" Widod
Novianti Setuningsih, Jakarta – President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo says that so far not one foreign investment has come into the new capital city (IKN) Nusantara.
Woman: Don't look left, don't look right, let alone give a "code"... you must stay neutral Mr.
Man (with "No practical politics" written on back): A message for village heads, right?
Man (with ASN on back): A message for us too!