
Displaying 181-190 of 307 Articles

May 2004

News/Indonesia – May 4, 2004

Dian Intannia, Jakarta – Actions by police on the campus of the Indonesian Muslim University (UMI) in Makassar, South Sulawesi continue to attract protests.

News/Indonesia – May 3, 2004

Ilham M, Jakarta – The coordinator of the United Opposition Front (Barisan Oposisi Bersatu, BOB), Dita Indah Sari, says that the dismissal of the Makassar provincial police chief does not mean that the bloody Indonesian Muslim University (UMI) incident in South Sulawesi has been resolved.

News/Indonesia – May 3, 2004

Ilham M., Jakarta – On May 3, 50 activists from the United Opposition Front (Barisan Oposisi Bersatu, BOB) held a free speech forum on the University of Indonesia (UI) campus in Salemba, Central Jakarta.

Tempo Interactive – May 3, 2004

Muhammad Fasabeni, Heru C.N., Jakarta – Hundreds of people from a number of organisations such as the Greater Jakarta Student Executive Council (BEM-Sejabotabek), the United Opposition Front (BOB), the National Student League for Democracy (LMND) and the People’s Democratic Party (PRD) held a demonstration in front of the faculty of medicine at

Tempo Interactive – May 1, 2004

Jakarta – Around 1,000 workers from scores of different organisations demonstrated in front of the national parliament in Jakarta on Saturday May 1. During the action, the workers shouted and listened to a series of speeches by a number of labour activists.

Tempo Interactive – May 1, 2004

Istiqomatul Hayati, Jakarta – Thousands of workers came out into the streets to commemorate May Day on Saturday May 1.

April 2004

News/Indonesia – April 28, 2004

Danang Sangga Buwana, Jakarta – The deputy chairperson of the leadership board of the National Awakening Party (PKB), Mahfud M.D., has sought to clarify a statement by Gus Dur [PKB chairperson and former President Abdurrahman Wahid] stressing that Gus Dur is not anti-military.

Kompas – April 28, 2004

Jakarta – In Jakarta, opposition to presidential candidates from military circles continues to be organised.

News/Aceh – April 28, 2004

Luhur Hertanto, Jakarta – The Center for Electoral Reform (Cetro) is to lodge a complaint with the Constitutional Court over intervention by the Aceh Emergency Military Command (PDMD) into political parties and the National Election Commission (KPU) in the Aceh general elections.

News/West Papua – April 28, 2004

Alisa P., Jakarta – Scores of activists from the Papuan National Student’s Front (Front Nasional Mahasiswa Papua, FNMP) held a demonstration at the United Nations offices in Jakarta on Tuesday 27.