
Displaying 111-120 of 124 Articles

January 2011

News/Indonesia – January 28, 2011

Yogyakarta – Scores of demonstrators from the Student Struggle Center for National Liberation (Pembebasan) held an action in front of the Gajah Mada University traffic circle on Friday January 28 demanding that the government of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) and Vice President Boediono resign because they have become loyal servants of

News/West Papua – January 27, 2011

Yogyakarta – A group of Papuans in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta from the Anti-Colonial Movement (Ganja) held a protest action in the Jl. Malioboro area on Thursday January 27. During the action, they called to the Home Affairs Minister to fulfill the 11 recommendations made by the Papuan People’s Council (MRP).

News/West Papua
Tempo Interactive – January 26, 2011

Jerry Omona, Jayapura – Thousands of Papuan occupied the Papua People’s Council (MRP) offices in the provincial capital of Jayapura on Wednesday January 26 demanding that the government cancel the election of council members scheduled to take place on January 31.

Kompas – January 22, 2011

Jakarta – The US Central Intelligence Agency very much dominated the initial consolidation of the New Order regime of former President Suharto. US international relations historian from Princeton University, Bradley R Simpson, says that the succession of laws enacted by President Suharto was drafted with strong influence from the US.

News/West Papua – January 21, 2011

Andi Saputra, Jakarta – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) says that human rights violations in Papua are still high. These violations represent a threat to civil freedoms and discriminate against the Papuan people’s identity.

News/West Papua
Kompas – January 20, 2011

Jayapura – Three members of the Indonesian military (TNI) who are appearing as defendants in a case of torture against civilians in Papua have confessed to being guilty of their actions.

News/Indonesia – January 19, 2011

Fitraya Ramadhanny, Jakarta – The United States government iused the social networking media in Indonesia, from blogs, Facebook to Twitter, to spread its influence. Additional funds requested by the US Embassy in Jakarta reached US$100,000 or 900 million rupiah.

News/West Papua
Kompas – January 14, 2011

Jakarta – Three members of the 753 Battalion are being tried by the Jayapura III-9 Military Court in the case of the torture of Papuans that was uploaded on the YouTube website.

Kompas – January 10, 2011

Jakarta – Law enforcement throughout 2010 has been corrupt and discriminatory.

News/West Papua
Kompas – January 8, 2011

Jakarta – The National Human Rights Commission’s (Komnas HAM) recommendations on the torture of Papuans by Indonesian military (TNI) personnel is indecisive and wishy-washy.