
Displaying 61-70 of 124 Articles

May 2011

News/Indonesia – May 7, 2011

Novi Christiastuti Adiputri, Jakarta – The Nusantara Marijuana Circle (LGN) held a long-march through the Farmers Monument area in Central Jakarta on Saturday May 7 to commemorate the Global Marijuana March (GMM).

News/Malaysia – May 5, 2011

E Mei Amelia R, Jakarta – Indonesian police arrested three Malaysian citizens in relation to the 18th ASEAN Summit in Jakarta on May 7-8. The three were questioned for allegedly taking part in a demonstration at the ASEAN Secretariat on Jl. Sisingamangaraja in South Jakarta on May 5.

Kompas – May 2, 2011

Yohan Wahyu – If we look at the still sidelined state of workers and employees, the need to unite and organise oneself should be a big one. The historical facts in Indonesia however show the reverse, with political parties claiming to be based among workers not in fact “selling well” in the eyes of the voting public.

News/Indonesia – May 1, 2011

Laurencius Simanjuntak, Jakarta – Even though its occupants are in recess, the House of Representatives (DPR) building in Central Jakarta was the target of around 150 protesters commemorating Labour Day.

News/Indonesia – May 1, 2011

Suci Dian Firani, Jakarta – In addition to demonstrating at the State Palace and House of Representatives (DPR) building, hundreds of workers also commemorated May Day by descending on the Department of Labour and Transmigration (Kemenakertrans) offices demanding welfare improvements.

News/Indonesia – May 1, 2011

Iman Herdiana, Bandung – The West Java provincial government office in Bandung has again been the target of hundreds of workers with around 500 people from the Indonesian Trade Union Congress Alliance (KASBI) besieging the Gedung Sate building.

News/Indonesia – May 1, 2011

Dira Derby, Jakarta – A clash broke out between workers and police at the rear entrance to the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport on Sunday when police refused to allow protesting from the Indonesian People’s Opposition Front (FORI) from entering the airport.

CyberNews – May 1, 2011

Solo – Commemorating International Labour Day on May 1, two protest actions were held by workers and students in the Central City of Solo on Sunday.

News/Indonesia – May 1, 2011

Muhammad Nur Abdurrahman, Jakarta – Around 1,000 workers in the South Sulawesi provincial capital of Makassar disbursed after protesters were prevented from entering the Sultan Hasanuddin international airport by a police blockade in front of the airport entrance.

News/Indonesia – May 1, 2011

Bagus Kurniawan, Yogyakarta – Thousands of workers and students from a variety of organisations in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta commemorated International Labour Day or May Day today demanding wage increases and social welfare.