
Displaying 41-50 of 93 Articles

July 2013

News/West Papua
Selangkah Magazine – July 15, 2013

Mettu Badii, Semarang – Scores of students and young people from the group National Papua Solidarity (NAPAS) held a candlelit vigil in front of the Diponegoro University campus in the Central Java provincial capital of Semarang on Sunday July 14 to remember the bloody Wasior and Wamena incidents.

News/West Papua
Viva News – July 14, 2013

Finalia Kodrati, Arie Dwi Budiawati – Papua National Solidarity (NAPAS) is demanding that the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) and the Attorney General’s Office fully resolve the alleged human rights violations that took place in Wasior and Wamena, West Papua, in [2001 and] 2003.

Java Post National Network – July 3, 2013

Batam – Scores of workers from the Indonesian Metal Trade Workers Federation (FSPMI) in Batam, Riau Islands, held a demonstration at the Batam Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) building on Tuesday July 2 urging house members to convey their concerns over the Draft Law on Mass Organisations (RUU Ormas).

News/Indonesia – July 2, 2013

Putra Prima Perdana, Bandung – Voices of protest against the Draft Law on Mass Organisations (RUU Ormas) have again been taken up by students.

Detik News – July 2, 2013

Siti Aisyah, Jakarta – Around 600 people from various labour organisations held an action opposing the Draft Law on Mass Organisations (RUU Ormas) on Tuesday July 2. The demonstration, which was initially orderly, created traffic congestion after protesters closed the road.

Berita Satu – July 2, 2013

F-5/YUD, Jakarta – Hundreds of workers held a sweeping action in the Pulogadung Industrial Zone in East Jakarta on Tuesday July 2.

Kompas – July 2, 2013

Jakarta – Temporary Direct Assistance to the Public (BLSM) could be ineffective because it may not be spent as intended. Using the Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) scheme in 2008 as a reference, 60 percent of the money allocated was used to pay off debts and the rest spent on cigarettes

June 2013

Kompas – June 26, 2013

Jakarta – The political system in Indonesia is controlled by a capitalist oligarchy. This group represents a handful of individuals who use material power to determine political policies and the election of public officials.

May 2013

Pos Kota – May 18, 2013

Jakarta – The chairperson of the country’s top religious body the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI), KH Ma’ruf Amin is calling on all parties to be on guard against the reemergence of the Indonesian communist movement.

News/Indonesia – May 13, 2013

Is Mujiarso, Jakarta – Even when he was a political fugitive, Wiji Thukul could still joke. When it was raining, he once wrote in a poem: The rain falls tonight/to protect me/the secret police with such small wages/must be really annoyed...