
Displaying 471-480 of 542 Articles

February 2019

CNN Indonesia – February 19, 2019

Jakarta – Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan expects that active TNI (Indonesian military) and Polri (National Police) officers will maintain their neutrality if they hold posts in government.

News/West Papua
Antara News – February 19, 2019

Evarianus Supar, Timika – A sole judge at the Timika District Court in West Papua, Saiful Amam, has rejected a pre-trail suit by three West Papuan National Committee (KNPB) activists against National Police Chief (Kapolri) Tito Karnavian, Papua Police Chief (Kapolda) Inspector General Martuani Sormin and Mimika District Police Chief (Kapolres) A

News/Indonesia – February 18, 2019

Chen Toisuta, Ambon – Scores of student from the Student Struggle Centre for National Liberation (Pembebasan) and the Papuan Student Alliance (AMP) have called on the public not to vote or golput in the legislative and presidential elections (pemilu) on April 17.

CNN Indonesia – February 18, 2019

Jakarta – The Civil Society Coalition has launched a petition opposing the revival of the TNI’s (Indonesian military) dual socio-political function (dwi-fungsi ABRI).

Lentera – February 17, 2019

Rabul Sawal – Scores of students from the 2019 (Bourgeois) Election Boycott Committee (Komite Boikot Pemilu (Borjuis) 2019), held a protest action rejecting the 2019 presidential and legislative elections (pemilu).

News/West Papua
CNN Indonesia – February 15, 2019

Jakarta – Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) researcher Aisah Putri Badriati is surprised that neither presidential candidate raised the issue of West Papua in first presidential debate on January 17.

Antara News – February 14, 2019

Padang – National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) chairperson Ahmad Taufan Damanik says that the move by the West Sumatra (Sumbar) provincial government to wage war on the deviant sexual behaviour of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people does not violate Human Rights (HAM).

Tribune News – February 14, 2019

Jakarta – The House of Representatives (DPR) has denied rumors that they are deliberating a law to legalise Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) activities.

The denial follows rumors about the ratification of a draft LGBT Law (RUU LGBT) in a broadcast message circulated on WhatsApp groups and social media.

News/West Papua
CNN Indonesia – February 13, 2019

Jakarta – The Indonesian People’s Front for West Papua (FRI-WP) and the Papuan Student Alliance (AMP) say that the West Papuan people will not take part in the 2019 presidential and legislative elections.

CNN Indonesia – February 13, 2019

Jakarta – House of Representatives (DPR) Commission III member Arsul Sani says that the government’s planned revisions to the 2009 Narcotics Law could open the way for the involvement of TNI (Indonesian military) personnel in combating the drug trade.