
Displaying 291-300 of 402 Articles

March 2020

Java Post – March 19, 2020

Muhammad Ridwan – The Novel Baswedan Advocacy Team has criticised the public prosecutor’s indictment of Rahmat Kadir Mahulette and Ronny Bugis, two defendants charged with the acid attack against senior Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) investigator Baswedan.

CNN Indonesia – March 18, 2020

Jakarta – The Confederation of United Indonesian Workers (KPBI) is urging the House of Representatives (DPR) and the government to halt deliberations on Draft Omnibus Law on Job Creation given the corona virus pandemic (Covid-19). If the deliberations go ahead it will be the same as provoking people take to the streets to oppose it.

Liputan 6 – March 18, 2020

Ilyas Istianur Praditya, Jakarta – The Indonesian Trade Union Council (MPBI) has confirmed it will postpone mass actions against the Draft Omnibus Law on Job Creation.

CNN Indonesia – March 18, 2020

Jakarta – President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s plea for workers, students and worshipers to stay home in order to prevent the spread of the corona virus (Covid-19) can’t be followed by all workers. There are groups who have to continue working outside the home in order to keep kitchens fires burning despite the risk of the fatal disease.

CNN Indonesia – March 16, 2020

Bandung – Workers from the All West Java Labour Alliance held a demonstration against the Draft Omnibus Law on Job Creation in front of the Sate Building (governor’s office) in the West Java provincial capital of Bandung on Monday March 16.

News/West Papua
Tabloid JUBI – March 12, 2020

Jayapura – The public prosecutor failed to present any witnesses during the fourth court hearing at the Sorong District Court on March 12 in a case related to anti-racist protest in Papua.

CNN Indonesia – March 12, 2020

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Indonesian Human Rights Watch Imparsial is warning the government that military training for civilians in the Reserve Component (Komcad) will create new problems, one of which is horizontal conflicts between communities.

Java Post – March 12, 2020

Protests against the Draft Omnibus Law on Job Creation have also come from international labour organisations. Trade unions affiliated with the International Trade Union Confederation Asia Pacific (ITUC-AP) are urging the Indonesian government to scrap the draft law which has already been submitted to parliament.

News/Indonesia – March 12, 2020

Narno, Jambi – On March 11 at least 500 people from a number of student and labour organisations held a protest action in Jambi, South Sumatra, to oppose the Draft Omnibus Law on Job Creation or RUU Cilaka.

News/Indonesia – March 11, 2020

Ryana Aryadita Umasugi, Jakarta – Thousands of workers and employees from trade unions affiliated with the Jakarta Labour Movement (GBJ) held a protest action at the city hall in Central Jakarta on the afternoon of Wednesday March 11.