Human Rights & Social Justice

Displaying 31-40 of 46 Articles

May 2007

News/East Timor – May 31, 2007

Anwar Khumaini, Jakarta – Non-government organisations from Indonesia’s NGO Coalition for International Human Rights Advocacy (Koalisi LSM) say that Jakarta governor Sutiyoso should have been arrested because he refused a court order.

April 2007

Kompas – April 12, 2007

Jakarta, Kompas – The announcement by Indonesian police chief General Sutanto of the initials of two new suspects in the Munir murder case has raised questions among members of the House of Representatives (DPR) and activist circles. They are asking what the police actually want to solve, a case of document falsification or Munir’s murder.

News/Indonesia – April 11, 2007

Ramadhian Fadillah, Jakarta – The naming of two new suspects in the mysterious murder of human rights activist Munir offers some small measure of hope that the case will be solved.

News/Indonesia – April 11, 2007

Ramadhian Fadillah P, Jakarta – The former deputy head of the Munir Fact Finding Team (TPF), Asmara Nababan, is calling in President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s promise to provide direct information on the case to the public.

Kompas – April 10, 2007

Jakarta – In order to increase the chances of Indonesia being reelected as a member of the United Nations Human Rights Commission, the government must soon make a breakthrough in investigating the murder of human rights activist Munir.

News/Indonesia – April 10, 2007

Luhur Hertanto, Jakarta – There has been more hints given out on the puzzle of who the new suspects are in the murder human rights activist Munir. They are two individuals from Garuda Indonesia airlines with the initials YS and R.

Tempo Interactive – April 9, 2007

Badriah, Jakarta – National Police Chief General Sutanto is still unwilling to name the new suspect in the Munir case. This is despite the fact that last week national police headquarters promised it would announce the name.

News/Indonesia – April 6, 2007

Hestiana Dharmastuti, Jakarta – The law is impartial, it does not recognise position or rank so whoever is guilty of murdering Munir must be indicted by the courts.

Suciwati, the widow of the late Munir, welcomes the national police’s plans to reveal a new suspect in the death of the human rights activist.

News/Indonesia – April 5, 2007

Djoko Tjiptono, Jakarta – Rumours that there is a new suspect in the Munir murder case are growing. And the rumour has it that the new suspect is a general. Furthermore, investigators from the national police headquarters will soon announce the name of the suspect, although it is still not possible to confirm exactly when.

News/Indonesia – April 5, 2007

Djoko Tjiptono, Jakarta – After “sleeping” for so very long, there has been a new twist the Munir murder case. The team of investigators has promised that within a short time there will be a new suspect.