Human Rights & Social Justice

Displaying 1-10 of 19 Articles

December 2009

News/Indonesia – December 30, 2009

Muhammad Taufiqqurahman, Jakarta – The Solidarity Action Committee for Munir (Kasum) sees 2009 as a year of gloom that failed to provide any clarity in the ongoing investigation of Munir’s murder.

November 2009

Kompas – November 25, 2009

Jakarta – The Attorney General’s Office (AGO) no longer has any grounds to postpone submitting a judicial review on the release of former National Intelligence Agency (BIN) deputy chief Muchdi Purwopranjono in the murder case of human rights activists Munir.

News/Indonesia – November 11, 2009

Anwar Khumaini, Jakarta – The wife of the late human rights defender Munir, has lamented the application of the law in Indonesia, saying the state only prosecutes the poor.

October 2009

Kompas – October 21, 2009

Boxes read ‘Bureaucratic reform’, ‘Law enforcement and human Rights, ‘Corruption’.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s inaugural speech on Tuesday triggered a round of criticism from experts and civil society groups with most highlighting the needs for him to realise his promises.

September 2009

News/Indonesia – September 9, 2009

Shohib Masykur, Jakarta – The coordinator of the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras), Usman Hamid, took time out on Wednesday to wish President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) a happy birthday.

News/Indonesia – September 7, 2009

Novia Chandra Dewi, Jakarta – Coinciding with five years since the death of Munir, some 300 people demonstrated at the Attorney General’s Office (AGO) demanding that investigation into the murder of the human rights activists be completed.

News/Indonesia – September 7, 2009

Ari Saputra, Jakarta – Thousands of balloons were released into the air on Monday September 7. The coloured balloons with pictures of Munir symbolised five years since the death of the human rights activists.

News/Indonesia – September 1, 2009

Rachmadin Ismail, Jakarta – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) visited the Directorate General of Human Rights at the Department of Justice and Human Rights on Tuesday September 1.

News/Indonesia – September 1, 2009

Rachmadin Ismail, Jakarta – There has been no significant change in the handling of cases of missing person or human rights violations since President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has been in office. Over the next period therefore, Yudhoyono is being urged to show more courage.

August 2009

News/Indonesia – August 4, 2009

E Mei Amelia R, Jakarta – The Attorney General’s Office is again being urged to immediately submit a judicial review over the Supreme Court’s verdict to release Muchdi Purwoprandjono.