Human Rights & Social Justice

Displaying 1-6 of 6 Articles

September 2016

Analysis/West Papua
Koran Pembebasan – September 5, 2016

Surya Anta – Increasingly broad mobilisations by the Papuan people in recent years shows that there must be a new assessment of West Papuan as an entity. An entity that should be, must be, recognised as a nation.

August 2016

Tribune News – August 23, 2016

Tribunners – House of Representatives (DPR) Commission X member Anang Hermansyah is questioning the excessive behaviour of security personnel in securing a Superman is Dead (SID) concert at the State Senior High School (SMAN) 1 in Tabanan, Bali, on Saturday August 20.

June 2016

Liputan 6 – June 27, 2016

Silvanus Alvin, Jakarta – President Joko Widodo or Jokowi attended a fast breaking event with TNI (Indonesian military) officers at the TNI’s headquarters in Cilangkap, Jakarta, where he took the opportunity to reaffirm that he will not apologies to former members of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI).

April 2016

Kompas – April 26, 2016

Jakarta – Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) coordinator Haris Azhar has invited the government to examine its findings on mass graves of the victims of the 1965 affair.

CNN Indonesia – April 21, 2016

Abraham Utama, Jakarta – National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Deputy Commissioner Dianto Bachriadi says that Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo is lying about the 1965 tragedy.

Solidarity Net – April 12, 2016

Jakarta – A people’s conference titled Fighting Criminalisation and Wining Democracy (Lawan Kriminalisasi dan Rebut Demokrasi) was held at the Jakarta Legal Aid Foundation (LBH Jakarta) offices in Central Jakarta on April 9.