Dini Pramita, Jakarta – The Kawal Pemilu (Guard the Elections) website www.kawalpemilu.org, which is maintained by volunteers to report the movement of vote results from the presidential election was attacked by hundreds of hackers throughout Wednesday afternoon.
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Admin MS, Yogyakarta – Insisting that the annexation of West Papua into the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) through the 1969 referendum (Pepera) was done undemocratically and was a gross human rights violation, the Papuan Students Alliance (AMP) has held peaceful actions in several university cities in Java.
Jakarta – The strategic Development and Policy Research Center (Puskaptis) has refused to attend an audit by the Association of Indonesian Public Opinion Surveys Firms (Persepi).
Persepi ethics council member Hamdi Muluk said that the refusal was conveyed directly by Puskaptis executive director Husein Yazid through an SMS message.
Jakarta – The Association of Indonesian Public Opinion Surveys Firms (Persepi) completed its audit of the Strategic and International Studies-Cyrus Network (CSIS-Cyrus), Indikator Politik (Political Indicator), the Indonesian Survey Circle (LSI) and the Saiful Mujani Research Center (SMRC) on the morning of Tuesday July 15.
Angga Yudha Pratomo – Presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto held a press conference after attending a declaration of a permanent coalition at the Proclamation Building in Central Jakarta. The event was attended by scores of foreign journalists.
Despite quick counts from reputable posters showing presidential candidate Joko Widodo (left) ahead by around 5 percentage points, rival candidate Prabowo Subianto (right) continues to claim he won the July 9 presidential election based on his campaign team’s ‘own count’ and is refusing to concede defeat until the General Election Commission ann
Jakarta – The vote count for the Prabowo Subianto and Hatta Rajasa (Prabowo-Hatta) presidential ticket at the army’s Special Forces (Kopassus) complex in Cijantung, East Jakarta, far surpassed the rival ticket of Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla (Jokowi-JK).
Angga Yudha Pratomo – Presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto seemed furious on Wednesday July 9 after he invited media crews to his residence in the Bojong Koneng village area in Hambalang, Bogor, West Java. He didn’t shy from making insinuations against media that don’t support the Number 1 ticket.
Jakarta – Scores of demonstrators calling themselves Indonesia without Militarism held another demonstration in front of the General Elections Commission (KPU) on Jl. Imam Bonjol in the Central Jakarta district of Menteng on Monday July 7.
Writing on wayang figures: Money politics, [electoral] fraud, horizontal conflicts, smear campaigns
Man: Stay calm, it’s safe...
Presidential debate – Wow
2014 World Cup Brazil – Wow
Basic commodities price rise – Ouch
Atmi Pertiwi, Jakarta – US investigative journalist Allen Nairn has spoken out about Indonesia’s two presidential candidates. Although he has a negative opinion of presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto, his views about presidential candidate Joko “Jokowi” Widodo are not necessarily positive either.
Eko Priliawito – A protest action by hundreds of PT Super Steel Indah workers in the West Cakung area of East Jakarta was forcibly broken up by officers from the Metro Jaya regional police and the East Java district police on the evening of Friday June 27.
Jakarta – A 10-year old boy, Markus Yernirkolaus, suddenly appeared in the middle of a Kamisan (Thursday Action) and gave a speech about human rights violations by presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto.
Laurencius Simanjuntak – Experienced US journalist Allan Nairn has spoken up over accusations by the Prabowo Subianto camp that the Indonesian military (TNI) once wanted to arrest him because he entered Indonesia illegally on seven occasions.
Man: Why instead is it making things dark Mr?
Kid: But it’s making it clear right, which is real and which is fake!
Kursi Istana, Jayapura – Human rights activists and organisations have launched the Movement Against Forgetting in Papua. The activists are calling on the Papuan people not to vote for a presidential candidate that has a track record of human rights violations.
Kid: I think I’m full already Dad! (bowl read ‘promises’)
Man: On the surface its peaceful, how about on the ground too...
Admin MS, Jayapura – West Papua National Committee (KNPB) spokesperson Basoka Logo is calling on all Papuan people to boycott the 2014 presidential election (pilpres).