Man: Ready to win Mr?
Cakada: Yep
Man: Are you also prepared to loose?
Cakada: Yep...
Man: Ready to win Mr?
Cakada: Yep
Man: Are you also prepared to loose?
Cakada: Yep...
Bomb reads: Terrorism, Bank Century scandal, Lapindo mudflow disaster, Hambalang corruption scandal, narcotics, police general’s fat bank accounts, beef import scandal, fuel price hikes, Poso sectarian violence, etc...
Jakarta – The chairperson of the country’s top religious body the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI), KH Ma’ruf Amin is calling on all parties to be on guard against the reemergence of the Indonesian communist movement.
Newspaper reads: Housing prices continue to rise, Palace of the Gods only 2.8 billion [rupiah].
Man: Is that the price, its so low...
Is Mujiarso, Jakarta – Even when he was a political fugitive, Wiji Thukul could still joke. When it was raining, he once wrote in a poem: The rain falls tonight/to protect me/the secret police with such small wages/must be really annoyed...
Ali Akhmad, Jakarta – As many as 29 women’s community groups from the Indonesian Women’s Action Committee (KAPI) commemorated 20 years since the murder of Marsinah by holding a candlelight vigil at the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle in Central Jakarta on the evening of May 8.
Achmad Faizal, Surabaya – Scores of women workers from various different groups in East Java held an action on Wednesday May 8 in the provincial capital of Surabaya to commemorate 20 years since the death of Marsinah, a women worker who was murdered on May 8, 1993.
Badge reads: Celebrity legislative candidate
1st Man: Is this Indonesian Idol or Indonesia searching for talent?
2nd Man: Let’s hope it’s not a stand up comedy...
National police chief General Timur Pradopo: ABC! Criminal Code! XYZ!
Man: The law is right... but law enforcers?
Timika – Thousands of workers employed in the PT Freeport Indonesia mining concession area in Mimika regency, West Papua, commemorated May Day by observing a moment of silence and reading out the Workers Oath at their respective workplaces.
An International Labour Day (May Day) demonstration in Bogor, West Java, descended into chaos when police and military tried to prevent hundreds of workers from the National Trade Union (SPN) from travelling to Jakarta.
Mohamad Yusuf – Scores of women furnished with bamboo sticks held a sweeping action at the company PT Hangsai 3 in the Cakung Nusantara Bonded Zone (KBN) in Cilincing, North Jakarta on May 1.
The women, who came from the Bambu (Progressive Labour Front) Squad, each carried two 30 centimeter lengths of bamboo.
Indramayu – A peaceful International Labour Day action ended in chaos when members of the Pancasila Youth (PP) attacked protesters during a May Day action in the West Java city of Indramayu on Wednesday May 1.
Imam Santoso, Jakarta – Thousands of workers from Jakarta and the nearby cities of Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Karawang, Purwakarta, Serang and Cilegon are gathering at the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle in Central Jakarta to commemorate International Labour Day Wednesday.
Bagus Kurniawan, Yogyakarta – Hundreds of workers and students from a number of different organisations in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta held an action commemorating May Day today. A regional house member was greeted with shouts and boos.
[The following is a joint statement by the Yogyakarta Working People’s Association-Political Organisation Congress (KPO-PRP), the Politics of the People (PR) and the People’s Liberation Party (PPR).]
Dani Prabowo, Jakarta – Thousands of workers from the Labour Joint Secretariat (Sekber Buruh) held a protest action at the General Election Commission (KPU) building on Jl. Imam Bonjol in Central Jakarta at 11.30am on Wednesday May 1.
Putra Prima Perdana, Bandung – Shouts of “Free Papua” resounded from a megaphone belonging to the Papuan Students Alliance (AMP) in the midst of a demonstration by hundreds of workers commemorating International Labour Day in front of the Gedung Sate governor’s office in the West Java provincial capital of Bandung on Wednesday May 1.