Aprizal Rahmatullah, Jakarta – Starting off the second week of August the capital city will be besieged with protest actions, with at least 15 demonstrations enlivening Jakarta today. Beware of traffic jams.
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Surabaya – As many as 180 students, workers and urban poor activists from 12 organisations in the East Java cities of Surabaya, Mojokerto and Madiun held a protest action in Surabaya on Saturday August 7 opposing the recent increase in basic electricity rates (TDL).
Umi Kalsum, Eko Huda S – Around 700 people held a protest action against the recent basic electricity rate (TDL) increases in front of the State Palace on Jl. Medan Merdeka Utara in Central Jakarta on Saturday August 7. They demand that the government cancel the increase that took effect last month.
Iwan, Jakarta – The evil conspiracy to increase the basic electricity rate (TDL) will impact on the price of basic commodities, particularly food, further burdening the lives of the poor.
Bagus Kurniawan, Yogyakarta – Scores of people held a protest action opposition the recent increases in basic electricity rates (TDL) and the price of LPG gas canisters in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta on Saturday August 7. They also called on the government to cancel the price hikes and opposed the use of 3kg LPG gas canisters.
Home to almost 10 million people, 8 million motorcycles and 3 million cars, Jakarta is the only mega-city in the world without a mass rapid transport system, and it is now commonplace for people to spend four or more hours commuting to and from work each day.
Kid: So what’s crooked, you or the building?
Legislator: The camera.
Over the eight years of Venezuela Bolivarian Revolution, it has never been free of intervention, harassment and provocation by the United State government.
Driver: Before ‘time was money’, now time is always traffic Mr...
From an opinion piece in the Jakarta daily Kompas by Kontras coordinator Usman Hamid titled “The Attorney General and Justice for the Victims”.
Man: The Bank Century case, this case that case, case XYZ, to the piggy bank case, they will all be fully investigated! Full, full, fully!
Kid: Will!
1st Man: By 2050 many of our islands will be under water.
2nd Man: What’s important is they’re safe till 2014, right?
Politicians: My job is to make policy, my job is to procure canisters... my job is this, my job is that...
Man holding gas canister: My job... is to accept my fate...
Man: The rice-reform order (era) huh? – report nasi (difficulties buying rice), a play on the word reform[n]asi (political reform).
Signs read: Going up. Going up.
Kid: So where’s your commitment to the ideal of serving the people’s interests?
Lawmaker: In spite of not turning up for work, falling asleep during hearings, using my position to earn extra on the side, throwing bribes around... nevertheless I do represent the prosperity of the ordinary people...
Rheza Andhika Pamungkas, Jakarta – Around 80 workers from the Indonesian Labour Movement Union (PPBI) held a demonstration today demanding the cancellation of basic electricity rate (TDL) hikes that came into effect on July 1.
Man: Going sightseeing Mr?
Legislator: It’s a working visit don’t you know!
Kid: There are may roads to Rome, but when will we get there Dad?
Signs: Police St, AGO St, Judiciary St, Finance St, Corruption Eradication Commission St, Judicial Mafia Task Force St, Commission XYZ St, Road Without End St. Damaged road!
Man: His conscious is in there... (arm band reads candidate regional head)
With the cost of campaign spending for regional elections reaching into the millions of dollars, candidate regional heads see running for public office as financial investment rather than a chance to serve the public.