Muhammad Aminudin, Malang – A demonstration held near the Gajayana stadium in Malang city, East Java, ended in chaos and anarchy with demonstrators smashing a police truck window after they were asked to disperse for violating health protocols.
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Pradito Rida Pertana, Yogyakarta – Protesters calling themselves the People's Struggle Front (FPR) held an action commemorating International Women's Day (IWD) today in front of the governor's office in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta. The action however was marred by an altercation between the protesters and local people.
Henry, Jakarta – The baton urging the enactment of the Draft Law on the Elimination of Sexual Violence (RUU PKS) into to law has been taken up.
Bandung – Activists from the Women's Liberation Knot (Simpul Pembebasan Perempuan, Simpulpuan) held a parade (long-march) to the Gedung Sate building in the West Java provincial capital of Bandung on March 8 to demand the ratification of the Draft Law on the Elimination of Sexual Violence (RUU PKS).
Banda Aceh – Non-government organisations (NGOs) and millennial groups in Aceh held an International Women's Day (IWD) virtual campaign at the Ivory Cafe in Setui, Banda Aceh, on Monday March 8.
Zakki Amali – The accusations by Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) have been proven true after the passing of several weeks. The former infantry major accused Moeldoko, a retired TNI (Indonesian military) general, of meeting with leading Democrat Party members and prepared a coup d'etat to take over his leadership of the party.
Devina Halim, Jakarta – The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) hopes that the requirements for independent candidates to take part in the election of regional heads (pilkada) will be eased for the sake of preventing the emergence of oligarchies.
Semarang – Police have broken up a protest action against the extension of Special Autonomy (Otsus) in Papua that took place on Jalan Imam Barjo in the Central Java provincial capital of Semarang on Friday March 5.
The Southeast Asia Freedom of Expression Network (SAFEnet) has criticised the recently established virtual police (VP) unit which is tasked with monitoring the online activities of netizens.
Health worker: You also need this Mr so you can be healthy in serving the people.
Label reads: Anti-Corruptus 21 Vaccine. Especially for (money loving) government officials that like bribery, markups and scams.
Zakarias Demon Daton, Samarinda – Three leading figures from the Dayak Modang Long Wai traditional community in Long Bentuk village, Busang sub-district, East Kutai, East Kalimantan, were arrested by police on the afternoon of Saturday February 27.
Jakarta – Activist Veronica Koman has addressed the different positions taken by the Indonesian government in response to calls to resolve the Papua problem and in its response to the coup d'etat in Myanmar.
Nicholas Ryan Aditya, Jakarta – Yesterday, on Friday February 26, the public was surprised to hear the news that all of a sudden Covid-19 vaccinations were being conducted at the House of Representatives (DPR) complex in Senayan, Jakarta, without any public notification.
Jakarta – The Southeast Asia Freedom of Expression Network (SAFEnet) – an institution concerned with freedom of expression in the digital world – has criticised the newly established virtual police (VP) unit formed under the national police headquarters that is tasked with monitoring the activities of netizens.
Fachrur Rozie, Jakarta – Criminologist and policing expert Adrianus Meliala has joined others in criticising Covid-19 vaccination for Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) prisoners.
Tsarina Maharani, Jakarta – The Anti-Injustice Social Coalition has reported President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo to the police criminal investigations directorate for alleged violations of health protocols during a presidential visit to Maumere in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).
Kid: Don't let there be any more victims (headband reads "Democracy")
Jakarta – Police asked participants at a protest action against Special Autonomy (Otsus) in Papua to take Covid-19 rapid tests at the site of the demonstration in front of the Home Affairs Ministry office in Jakarta on Wednesday February 24. The protesters however refused saying it was an attempt to silence them.
Jakarta – Scores of Papuan students held a protest action in front of the Home Affairs Ministry office in Jakarta on Wednesday February 24 expressing their opposition to the extension of Special Autonomy (Otsus) in the land of the Cenderawasih as Papua is known.
Jakarta – Virtual Police from the Bhayangkara Corps – as the Indonesian police are known – have officially begun operating. The unit, which was the idea of national police chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, was formed to prevent criminal actions which violate the Information and Electronic Transaction Law (UU ITE).