Analysis and Opinion

May 2022

Indonesia – May 6, 2022

Ardito Ramadhan, Jakarta – Paramadina University political observer Ahmad Khoirul Umam says that the Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) General Chairperson and Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto's goodwill safari (safari silaturahmi) on Idul Fitri 1443 H this year was ridden with political nuance.

April 2022

Detik News – April 23, 2022

Jakarta – The sudden emergence of the Indonesian Student Party (Partai Mahasiswa Indonesia, PMI) has elicited a variety of responses.

CNN Indonesia – April 18, 2022

Jakarta – The government has responded to a report on human rights practices in Indonesia that was released by the United States with a counter attack. This attitude is seen as a bad sign of the state of human rights in Indonesia.

CNN Indonesia – April 13, 2022

Jakarta – The Jakarta Legal Aid Foundation (LBH) has highlighted the recently enacted Law on Sexual Violence Crimes (TPKS) for not fully accommodate the rights of victims.

CNN Indonesia – April 1, 2022

Jakarta – A number of observers believe that the intellectual actors behind the discourse on postponing the 2024 legislative and presidential elections or for President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo to serve a third term in office are currently trying to change public opinion by garnering mass support from certain groups, not just through political elite

March 2022

CNN Indonesia – March 25, 2022

Jakarta – The scarcity of cooking oil in various parts of Indonesia has continued for at least three months. Over this time however, the government and police have failed to find the masterminds behind the shortages.

CNN Indonesia – March 2, 2022

Rivana Pratiwi, Jakarta – Four key National Awakening Party (PAN) officials visited the official residence of party General Chairperson Zulkifli Hasan at the Widya Chandra complex in Jakarta on February 13.

February 2022

Indonesia – February 7, 2022

Fitria Chusna Farisa, Jakarta – The government plans to start the construction of the new capital city (IKN) mega-project "Nusantara" in North Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan, in mid-2022.

West Papua
Suara Papua – February 1, 2022

Ones Suhuniap – The West Papua National Committee's (KNPB) position with regard to the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) at the moment is one of obedience to organisational decisions.

January 2022

West Papua
CNN Indonesia – January 29, 2022

Jakarta – The latest exchange of fire between the Indonesian military (TNI) and a Papuan armed criminal group in the Gome district of Puncak regency, Papua, has again claimed lives. In total, as many as three TNI personnel were killed during the armed contact as of Thursday January 27.

Indonesia – January 21, 2022

Vitorio Mantalean, Jakarta – Fifteen years. In such a period of time, a mother can still remember the cute little child who she used to deliver to the primary school gates, and who is now struggling to graduate from university.

That same number of years has also been enough to place three different presidents in the State Place.

November 2021

CNN Indonesia – November 25, 2021

Jakarta – The prison sentence handed down against journalist Muhammad Asrul in Palopo, South Sulawesi, on November 23 has raised concerns about press freedom in Indonesia which should be protected by the constitution and specific legislation.

CNN Indonesia – November 17, 2021

Jakarta – Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Panjaitan has threatened to audit non-government organisations (NGOs) after accusing them of spreading incorrect information.

June 2021

CNN Indonesia – June 16, 2021

Jakarta – Recent moves by police to aggressively arrest preman (street thugs, petty criminals) in various cities around the country will not be able to resolve the age old problem of premanism (thuggery) and violence in Indonesia.

Indonesia – June 6, 2021

IndonesiaLeaks – Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Chairperson Firli Bahuri used the pretext of the 'Taliban' and the nationalism test (TWK) to remove 75 KPK employees from their routine duties of fighting corruption.

May 2021

Indonesia – May 1, 2021

Rakhmat Nur Hakim, Jakarta – The government's decision not to repeal the Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) Law is not in accordance with the spirit touted by President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo when he initially responded to the polemic over the catchall or ambiguous articles in the law.

April 2021

CNN Indonesia – April 8, 2021

Jakarta – The government has banned mudik, the annual exodus during the Idul Fitri holidays at the end of the Ramadan fasting month. The prohibition was issued after considering the risk of increasing the spread of Covid-19, which is still high.

March 2021

CNN Indonesia – March 17, 2021

Jakarta – Hundreds of regions across the country in 2022-2024 will be led by acting regional heads appointed by the central government. Experts say that this system will benefit people close to President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo and certain political parties in the lead up to the 2024 elections.

Republika – March 8, 2021

Rizky Suryarandika and Nawir Arsyad Akbar, Jakarta – The executive director of Voxpol Center Research and Consulting, Pangi Syarwi Chaniago, suspects that there is a hidden agenda behind attempts to take over the Democrat Party leadership.

January 2021

CNN Indonesia – January 19, 2021

Jakarta – Natural disasters have hit several parts of Indonesia at the start of 2021. The series of distressing calamities began on Saturday January 9 when landslide claimed 32 lives in Sumedang, West Java.