Drunken Republic Cartoons 2008

August 2008

Kompas – August 30, 2008

Kid: …One billion… to become a legislative candidate… for the sake of the people yeah Mr?

Placard reads: Basic Commodities Party.

Man: Don’t be so old fashioned…!

Kid: …For the sake of a capital return several times over… He he…

Kompas – August 28, 2008

Badge reads: Legislative Candidate.

Politician: Wana be prosperous right? I also want...

Kompas – August 20, 2008

Badges read: Legislative candidate. Patches on jackets read: Rp.

Political party registration forms: Could be prosperous party. Could be regulated party. Could be free party. Dry leftover rice party.

Man: Could be free doesn’t mean free to be even more corrupt remember!

Kompas – August 16, 2008

Sign on shirt: Corruption suspect prisoner.

Kid holding national flag: Disgrace someone? How could it possibly disgrace anyone! …Heaps of prosecutors and judges are wearing these uniforms!

Kompas – August 13, 2008

Papers read: Virus research, bacterial research.

Sign above door: Posyandu – Integrated Health Service Post.

Kompas – August 9, 2008

Kid: You’ve also been accused of channelling funds and accepting bribes… how come you’re so calm..?!

Beneath national coat of arms: Rp.

Man: Well the invoice has evaporated hasn’t it!

Kompas – August 6, 2008

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono: I still trust them, maybe...

President Yudhoyono has resisted calls to dismiss cabinet ministers MS Kaban (left) and Paskah Suzetta (right) who have been implicated in a 2003 corruption scandal.

Kompas – August 2, 2008

Background: Parliament building

Kid: The face [word building crossed out] of our people’s representatives…!

July 2008

Kompas – July 26, 2008

Kid: …Becoming a leader is a heavy response-ability remember Mr! (placard reads Basic Commodities Party).

Man: Yeah… “Just responding to the call-ability! …

...Eh, ‘why be frightened!’ (a play on a famous quip by Abdurrahman ‘Gus Dur’ Wahid – ‘why let it trouble you’)

Kompas – July 23, 2008

Politician: Eradicate corruption!

Man: But it’s not campaign time yet is it Mr?

Kompas – July 19, 2008

Politician: ...What’s wrong with former officials making a party and nominating themselves?…

Badge: Omm Pasikom President 2009

Kid: …Money from the past to buy votes, think it’ll sell Mr?...

Kompas – July 16, 2008

Man: How come school fees keep going up?

Politician: Ah, that’s the trend a at the moment, right, everything’s going up… (name tag reads candidate)

Politician: …I also want to be on top again… (name tag reads candidate)

Kompas – July 12, 2008

Politician: ...Promises?... No way! Now’s not when promises are kept! Get it!!

Badge: Vote for me

Kompas – July 7, 2008

Woman symbolizing justice: ...Buying and selling legal cases: The price is negotiable!

Background: Parliament house.

Artalyta Suryani: ...Buying and selling self-respect: The bribe is negotiable!

Kompas – July 5, 2008

Sign on electric chair: For corruptors

Rat: Don’t worry okay, the power’s a total mess...

June 2008

Kompas – June 28, 2008

Men: Long live elections for regional heads!! Long live democracy!!

Man: …Now we’re free to join any party we want including… the Golput Party!!

Golput – Meaning to abstain from voting or not marking the ballot paper.

Kompas – June 23, 2008

Ballot box: Promises, promises, promises, promises, promises

Kompas – June 21, 2008

Dummy:  …Dual positions! A conflict of interest? No way!!

Man: For the sake of the party… for the sake of KKN… for the sake of… all the more for me!

Kompas – June 14, 2008

Sign on desk reads: Corruption Eradication Commission.

Businessperson Artalyta Suryani (left) was later sentenced to five years jail for bribing prosecutor Urip Tri Gunawan (right) to drop an investigation into a Bank Indonesia Liquidity Support Scheme embezzlement case. Gunawan was subsequently sentenced to 20 years.

Kompas – June 13, 2008

Television: Euro Cup 2008

Father: Today we’ll just “eat” soccer okay kid...