Jakarta – The legislation of the revised Criminal Code (KUHP) has been expedited for passing as soon as possible. Despite its revisions, the newer KUHP is no better than its previous iteration, so we have no qualms about calling on the House of Representatives to reconsider its passage.
This last-ditch call may not, however, prevent lawmakers from endorsing the bill into law in the plenary session scheduled tomorrow.
Our grave concern about the draft Criminal Code Bill (RKUHP) stems from the fact that it maintains the colonial spirit of the existing version, dubbed the living legacy of the Dutch colonial administration, which was why the revision was initiated in the first place.
The latest and final draft of the RKUHP maintains provisions that could be used to curtail civil liberties, even after a series of public consultations.
We stand with the numerous civil society groups that oppose the bill's passage. A coalition of at least 40 organizations that has been keeping a close eye on the bill's deliberation has found the latest draft is better than the 2019 version, but that more work is needed to resolve the problematic articles still hanging over our collective heads.
The full article can be viewed at: https://www.thejakartapost.com/opinion/2022/12/05/punitive-legal-code.html