God in politics

Kompas.id – April 24, 2024

[From an oped piece in Kompas.id by Indra Tranggono titled "God in Politics".]

Is God political? Of course not. So far there are no religious texts that have been found that say God plays a role in politics. Moreover, why would God play politics? He is the Almighty. An authority that is not negotiable. Absolute power. No need for recognition. It is precisely humans who need to recognise God's power in the name of faith and trust.

Nevertheless, God is often involved in political matters. Religious-based political views are convinced that God is absolute and authoritative in substance and in providing a mandate of power.

The choice of a person to become a leader at different levels, be it a kingdom, a state, and other socio-political institutions, is often associated with a "revelation" from God. There God is believed to be at work in one's fate and career. Revelations in the context of leadership electability can be interpreted as a "gift from God" which contains directions and mandates.

Secular view

The views of secularism and agonism considers that politics is a worldly problem that is only a human affair. God does not cawe-cawe (interfere, meddle). Therefore God also does not need to be or should not be involved.

Humans are not eternal children who must be fed and commanded but can walk by themselves in overcoming all problems. Humans build their existence through thinking, work and their works. Without God.

Democracy is a political and social system arising from the searching and exploration of Western secular thinkers. They are facilitated by the rulers of capital who are also secular to create a system that can counter monarchic and theocratic systems.

In these two government and social systems they are considered not to benefit the society politically, economically and culturally. Then democratic systems were discovered which mean government from the people, by the people and for the people.

Democracy which prioritises social freedoms and equality is ultimately accepted collectively. It is also conducted and realised in a number of countries. Including in countries that are truly secular as well as the "half-secular and half-religious" countries like Indonesia; that are more comfortable holding to the designation of a "Pancasila State".

Presidential election

In the practice of democracy in Indonesia, democratic actors do not distance themselves from God's intervention even though democracy has a character that is very secularistic. This is closely related to the majority of Indonesian citizens who are godly and adhere to religion according to their beliefs.

Involving God in politics also occurred in the presidential election. Candidates who contested or competed in the presidential election try to always rely on God both through religious rites and other means...

The full article in Bahasa Indonesia can be read here: https://www.kompas.id/baca/opini/2024/04/24/tuhan-dalam-politik
