Drunken Republic Cartoons

February 2015

Kompas – February 18, 2015

With the government seemingly preoccupied dealing with the fallout from the legal fiasco surrounding the national police’s ongoing witch hunt against the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), which is now targeting not just KPK commissioners, but KPK investigators, the progressive media and pretty much anyone making public statements critical

Kompas – February 14, 2015

Crocodile: National Police, Gecko: Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Rhinoceros: Thick skinned politicians, Rat: Corruptors, Civet Cat (wearing chicken feathers): Wolf in sheep’s clothing, Komodo Dragon: AGO, Snake (in the grass)

Kompas – February 7, 2015

Kid: Watch out for that apple Mr, sometimes you can catch listeria (apple reads ‘political parties’)

Kompas – February 4, 2015

Public confidence in law enforcement took another dive this week after it was revealed that Labora Sitorus – a low ranking Papuan cop with US$119 million in bank accounts and sentenced to 15 years for illegal logging and hoarding fuel – had left the Sorong jail for medical treatment in March 2014 and not returned.

January 2015

Kompas – January 24, 2015

Many believe the police’s attempts to criminalise the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) after it named President Widodo’s nominee for national police chief Comr. Gen. Budi Gunawan a graft suspect, is in response to the KPK stepping up its probe into the Bank Indonesia liquidity support (BLBI) corruption scandal.

Kompas – January 17, 2015

Man: There’s a political process, there’s a legal process... how come the result is... really, what will the world say Mr?

Kompas – January 10, 2015

Goat: You can be sure that it won’t be me that gets skewered and grilled!

Man: And you can sure it’ll be us that suffer

Kompas – January 7, 2015

Man: Okay (headline reads 6% Economic Growth)

Government official: That’s okay too (headline reads Corruption Index of 34)

December 2014

Kompas – December 20, 2014

Kid: These politicians are statesmen too right Dad? (headline reads Rival National Congress, Rival Chairperson)

Politician: Yes... but no... politicians think about seats, statesmen think about the people! (chair reads ‘Basic Commodities Party’)

Kompas – December 17, 2014

Man: They make a big fuss when there’s a disaster, after that they forget about it

Kompas – December 15, 2014

From an op-ed piece titled Democracy in tatters at parliament.

Kompas – December 13, 2014

Kid: Political brawling... political dynamics... or oplosan Dad? (drum reads ‘Politics is the commander’)

Kompas – December 10, 2014

International Anti-Corruption Day was marked across the country Tuesday, with many calling for harsher sentences and the seizure of graft convict’s assets.

Kompas – December 6, 2014

Kid: Once again... for the sake of humanity, who’s responsible Mr?

Man: The one up there!

Kompas – December 3, 2014

A power struggle inside Suharto’s former ruling party Golkar is seen as a proxy fight between New Order general Prabowo Subianto’s Red and White Coalition (KMP) and the parties backing President Widodo’s government in parliament.

November 2014

Kompas – November 29, 2014

Man: Consensus?

Kompas – November 26, 2014

A statement by the Association for Provincial Governments that they are ready to be sentenced to death if convicted of graft (evoking memories of the widely ridiculed statement by high-profile graft convict Anas Urbaningrum who said he would hang himself from the National Monument if found guilty) has been dismissed as a publicity stunt after th

Kompas – November 22, 2014

Man: Success! Comedy drama round one

Kid: You mean they’ll be a second round Dad?

Kompas – November 19, 2014

While the government claims that the US$9 billion or so saved from the recent fuel (BBM) subsidy cuts will be allocated to much needed infrastructure, thereby compensating the poor who will bear the brunt high inflation, critics say most of the planned projects – new ports, dams, airports, industrial parks and roads – will primarily benefit big

Kompas – November 11, 2014

Environmental and community activists say that the 32-kilometre long giant sea wall being built off Jakarta’s north coast to protect the capital from flooding by high tides, which will also include a massive land reclamation project and the building of 17 artificial islands, will spell almost certain ecological disaster for Jakarta which is curr