Drunken Republic Cartoons

April 2011

Kompas – April 13, 2011

1st Man: How come they’re taking so long to deal with it?

2nd Man: Perhaps they only just found out!

Kompas – April 6, 2011

1st Man: What are you, a thug, a terrorist, a loan shark, or a cop?

2nd Man: A debt collector!

Kompas – April 2, 2011

Man: A new and luxurious building, which we do indeed need to show that... our nation is rich... our people are affluent and prosperous!

March 2011

Kompas – March 26, 2011

Corruption, poverty, tax mafia, Century, Lapindo, judicial mafia, criminality, political intrigue, human rights, drugs, indecisive leadership, apathy, Yogyakarta polemic, comparative studies etc...

Kompas – March 19, 2011

Kid: There’s no point setting your beard on fire (getting in a twist, a panic, furious) Mr, you’re the one who didn’t keep it trim and neat (to keep one’s own house in order)!

Kompas – March 12, 2011

Cake tray reads: Coalition

Papers in bin read: Bank Century, tax mafia inquiry, reshuffle

Kompas – March 9, 2011

1st Man: A senior official has resigned over an illegal donation...

2nd Man: So they’re serious about creating clean governance then?

1st Man: Not here, in Japan...

Headline: Japanese FM resigns.

Kompas – March 2, 2011

Man: I wander what that pepesan tastes like?

Sign: Apartment of Lies (empty pepesan) – referring to food, mostly fish, cooked in banana leafs, pepesan kosong – “looks tasty but nothing inside”, a lie or bluff.

February 2011

Kompas – February 26, 2011

Kid: Buruk rupah, cermin dibelah – an Indonesian proverb meaning “Blaming the wrong reason. Looking for a scapegoat”.

Kompas – February 23, 2011

1st Man: When will there be a more even spread, yeah?

2nd Man: Eh, its already even...

1st Man: Ah! What’s evenly spread?

2nd Man: Corruption!

Kompas – February 21, 2011

Kid: This should serve as a warning to us... if you get too settled in you’ll forget how to stand up!

Kompas – February 19, 2011

Kid: Firm action isn’t just in a decree is it Dad!

Headlines read: Joint Ministerial Decree 199/2008

Kompas – February 16, 2011

1st Man: Action will be taken against perpetrators of violence, they will be disbanded if necessary

2nd Man: Oh yeah, really?

1st Man: Well in speeches...

Kompas – February 9, 2011

Indonesia’s much touted image of pluralism and religious tolerance – enshrined in the country’s coat-of-arms by the words Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity) – has been left in tatters following Sunday’s fatal attack on an Ahmadiyah congregation in Cikeusik, Banten, the latest in a series vicious assaults on members of the Ahmadiy

Kompas – February 5, 2011

Man: They say to be involved in politics you have to be like a rat, sniff things out first, then bite!

Kid: That’s right dad! It’s also what’s called a political rat! – a play on the word politikus: politik (politics) + tikus (rat) = politician.

Kompas – February 2, 2011

1st Man: Be patient, I’m sure the extreme weather will soon pass...

2nd Man: What about extreme corruption and the judicial mafia, when will they pass?

January 2011

Kompas – January 29, 2011

Man: We don’t get wage rises so we don’t feel the lack... nature provides an overflow of garbage!

Headline reads: Regional heads, 28 out of 33 provinces involved in corruption.

Kompas – January 22, 2011

Politician: Who says I’m lying

Rouge tax official Gayus Tambunan (right): I’m not lying...

Headline reads: Critics, lying to the public

Kompas – January 21, 2011

Man: These days it’s not “many children, much fortune” (a famous Indonesian saying), but lots of corruption, lots of money.

Kompas – January 19, 2011

Governor: For the sake of a clean governance, cases of corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN) must be fully investigated!

Man: But what if you’re the one committing the KKN Mr?