Drunken Republic Cartoons

June 2009

Kompas – June 10, 2009

1st Man: Incidents keep recurring, wisdom is still being sought.

2nd Man: But wisdom isn’t really part of the election campaign is it?

Kompas – June 3, 2009

Politician: It’s not enough just to memorize and familiarise yourself with Pancasila, it must be implemented!

Man: So you’re actually implementing it then?

May 2009

Kompas – May 30, 2009

Clowns on TV: Neoliberalism! People’s economics?

Man: The success team’s job? To campaign for the candidates’ respective programs... not...

Kompas – May 27, 2009

1st Man: We’ll just cheat a bit the spare parts... to minimise the budget you understand.

2nd Man: But isn’t that dangerous?

1st Man: At worst it might break down.

2nd Man: Good thing it’s not a plane.

Kompas – May 20, 2009

Yudhoyono-Boediono: Working hard for the people...

Jusuf Kalla-Wiranto: The faster the better in the people’s interest...

Megawati-Prabowo: Building the people’s economy...

Buskers: I don’t want to suffer again when promises are broken... (from Orchestra of the Embittered by popular rock band Slank)

Kompas – May 13, 2009

Baggage on overloaded bus: Corruption, human rights, debt, unemployment, collusion. Number plate reads presidential elections.

Wanted: ‘Driver’ with vision. Not just knowing how to build coalitions!

Kompas – May 6, 2009

1st Man: Be careful if you hit it...

2nd Man: Careful, why?

1st Man: In case the ball goes astray...

Kompas – May 2, 2009

Kid: The viruses have formed a coalition too Dad!

Man: Stay calm, don’t panic!

Sign reads Presidential Elections.

April 2009

Kompas – April 29, 2009

1st Man: Is it really true there’s a virus that’s more dangerous than swine flu?

2nd Man: The virus of corruption!

According to Indonesia Corruption Watch the health sector is “highly vulnerable” to fraudulent practices, with state losses from the 49 cases currently under investigation totaling some US$10.24 million.

Kompas – April 25, 2009

Man: We’re still learning about democracy... so don’t get violent protesting the elections! ...it’s like the national exams!

Kid: But when will we graduate Dad, if we never get to study...

Kompas – April 15, 2009

Patient: Eventually I’ll go crazy...

Picture on bag: Legislative candidate 2009

Kompas – April 11, 2009

After the successful “general elections”...!

Kid: I await your promises... imagined night and day...

Kompas – April 8, 2009

1st man: We want elections that are peaceful, honest and fair. For the sake of democracy...

2nd man: For all our futures...

Legislative Candidate (with pockets bulging with money): And for my future too.

Kompas – April 4, 2009

Man: Why be confused? Just vote according to your conscience... (badge reads legislative candidate)

Kid: So where’s your conscience Mr?

Man: In... the... p... pawn shop

Kompas – April 1, 2009

1st man: From here we can learn about other dams...

2nd man: Aren’t you going wait till it bursts first?

March 2009

Kompas – March 28, 2009

Kid: It’s not that he’s suffering from withdrawal symptoms cos of being ensnared in a narcotics network... but more because...

Kompas – March 25, 2009

1st man: Let’s hope there isn’t any more “ghost voters”!

2nd man: For the sake of democracy!

In the lead up to the April 9 legislative elections, the electoral commission conceded that there were an estimated 5 million or more “ghost” voters still on the electoral role.

Kompas – March 18, 2009

1st man: Lots of jobs, cheap commodities, cheap schooling, cheap hospital treatment...

2nd man: Yes!

1st man: But it’s only a promise...

Kompas – March 14, 2009

Man: Why don’t you make a meal out of him?

Sign on truck reads Illegal logging

Deforestation as a result of rampant illegal logging and conversion of rain forests for palm oil plantations is resulting in an increased frequency of human-animal conflicts – often fatal for both species.

Kompas – March 11, 2009

1st Man (holding letter of dismissal): How come making ends meet is getting harder and harder?

2nd Man: That’s the difference between the people and the people’s representatives