Student protesters in Solo call on president Yudhoyono to resign

Source – October 20, 2011
KAMMI students call for SBY-Boediono to resign - October 21, 2011 (Tribune)
KAMMI students call for SBY-Boediono to resign - October 21, 2011 (Tribune)

Muchus Budi R., Solo – The Greater Solo Indonesian Muslim Students Action Front (KAMMI) called for the resignation of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) and Vice President Boediono on Thursday October 20 during a protest action in the Central Java city of Solo.

The dozen or so KAMMI members, who held the action at the Gladag traffic circle, said that Yudhoyono and Boediono had made all kinds of election promises but did not have the political will to fulfill them.

They gave as an example Yudhoyono’s promise to eradicate corruption which after two years of his administration has shown no progress and a number of big corruption cases have in instead been left up in the air without any clear explanation.

They also said that the government had shown no interest in upholding human rights, giving the example of a number of cases that to this day have failed to be resolved such as the murder of human rights activist Munir and the Trisakti, Semanggi I and Semanggi II shootings of student protesters in 1998.

The other failures that were highlighted was the failure to secure state assets with the government allowing the country’s natural wealth to be exploited by foreigners, the failure to create social harmony and the failure to protect Indonesians working overseas as migrant workers.

The students also said that president’s recent cabinet reshuffle was simply a ‘normative’ measure that will not have a significant influence on the administration’s performance. The reshuffle just moved a few ministerial positions around and many of the appointments were inappropriate. Several of the ministers who have been caught up in corruption cases were in fact retained.

It is because of this therefore that the students called on Yudhoyono and Boediono to immediately declare their resignation as president and vice president because after two years of work they have failed to carry out the mandate given to them by the people. (mbr/anw)

Source: KAMMI Solo Tuntut SBY-Boediono Mundur – DetikNews. Kamis, 20/10/2011

 [Translated by James Balowski.]
