TNI Law enactment triggers angry protests across the country

CNN Indonesia – March 21, 2025
Police use water cannot to disperse protesters in front of parliamentary complex in Jakarta – March 20, 2025 (CNN)

Medan – Aside from Jakarta, demonstrations by students and civil society activists rejecting the enactment of the Draft Law on the Indonesian Military (RUU TNI) also took place in various other cities across Indonesia -- from the far west to the far east.

One of their main demands of the rallies on Thursday March 20 was to reject the contents of the RUU TNI which is said to "revive" the military's dwi-fungsi or dual function through expanding operations other than war and placing active soldiers in civilian institutions.

Despite the demonstrations and protests over the last few days, the House of Representatives (DPR) unanimously passed the amendments to Law Number 34/2004 on the TNI into law during a plenary meeting at the people's representative building on Thursday morning.

In Jakarta, protesters held a demonstration in front of the parliament complex until they were forcibly evicted by the police.

The following is a summary of the actions in several other parts of Indonesia, where in several places the police also tried to disperse protesters by force.


In Medan, the North Sumatra Civil Society Alliance held a demonstration in front of the Medan Block Post protesting the enactment of the RUU TNI by the DPR.

During the action, the demonstrators brought a number of posters containing their demands including "Reject the Dual Function of the TNI" and "Beware of the New Order Rising Again", referring to the New Order (Orba) regime of former president Suharto.

Action representative Christison Sondang said that the hasty ratification of the RUU TNI did not represent the interests of civil society. Instead, the ratification of the RUU TNI further opens up opportunities for military intervention in the civil sphere.

"The TNI is not allowed to take over the civil realm. The DPR and the government attitude in ratifying the RUU TNI is clearly only in the interests of the TNI as an institution, not in the interests of the ordinary people, especially regarding the welfare of the community", he said at the location of the action.

Meanwhile, another representative of the protesters, Nikita, said the Civil Society Alliance in North Sumatra is expressing its disappointment with the DPR's attitude because the ratification of the RUU TNI was not transparent and was deliberately rushed without involving public participation.

Nikita said that they reject the ratification of the revisions to the TNI Law. The action carried out by the Civil Society Alliance, she added, was a form of resistance against the DPR whose policies do not at all represent the public interest.

"We reject the ratification of this law. We demand that this law be revoked. Because this ratification, is our civil rights, our rights being forcibly taken away. We are sure that they understand that the rules they make violate democratic rights as civil society", she said.


In Bandung, student protesters demonstrated against the ratification of the RUU TNI in front of the West Java (Jabar) Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) building on Thursday.

Quoting from Detik Jabar, the protesters began to fill the area in front of the West Java DPRD building at around 3 pm. They had previously marched from the Bandung Islamic University (Unisba) campus along Jalan Wastukencana while echoing the song "Pay Pay Pay" by punk band Sukatani, which has become a popular symbol of anti-government protests.

Upon arriving in front of the DPRD building, the demonstrators gave speeches and expressed their concerns regarding the opportunities for the revival of the TNI's dual function which they consider violates its authority and harms civilians. Some carried banners such as "Return the TNI to the Barracks" and "Reject the RUU TNI".

"We reject the RUU TNI that has only just been passed because it very much does not side with the ordinary people. We reject all forms of militarism, because it is a concrete form of the state using the military as a tool to oppress and silence the people", said the action coordinator from the Greater Bandung branch of the National Student Front (FMN), Ainun, at the location of the action.


The Greater Semarang Student Executive Council (BEM) Alliance held a protest against the RUU TNI in front of the Central Java (Jateng) DPRD complex in Semarang city on Thursday evening. They demanded the repeal of the revised TNI Law which was passed by the DPR at a plenary meeting earlier that morning.

Quoting from Detik Jateng, the alliance protesters had been holding the action since around 3.20 pm. Earlier they marched from the Central Java regional police station carrying a giant poster that read "Soldiers return to barracks", "Welcome the Neo Orba", "Reject the UU TNI, Welcome Orba".

Up arriving at the Central Java DPRD, they took turns giving speeches from a pickup truck on the grounds of the provincial government.

The action continued until sunset. At around 6:10 pm, the protesters were forced to retreat by police after they tried to enter the DPRD complex. Following this they dispersed voluntarily.

Meanwhile, Semarang District Police Chief (Kapolrestabes) Senior Commissioner M Syahduddi, said that they used force because the students wanted to enter the Central Java DPRD building. He added that there were some four people who were arrested by the police and taken to the Semarang District Police Headquarters (Mapolrestabes).

"We secured around four people. When we tried to push them out, they tried to behave anarchically so we secured them first, we conducted an in-depth investigation and they were investigated by the Semarang Polrestabes Criminal and Detectives Unit", he explained.

"(Including the speaker?) Yes, one of them. Earlier, the speaker made provocative statements that influenced other student friends to make efforts to be anarchistic and scuffle with police officers", continued Syahduddi.


In the Central Java city of Solo, student protesters held a demonstration against the RUU TNI in front of the Solo DPRD Building on Thursday.

Quoting from Detik Jateng, the demonstrators wore black clothing and unfurled banners reading "Reject the TNI Law", "Civil supremacy", "Return civil supremacy" and "We don't need your idiot democracy". They also shouted for the TNI to return to the barracks.

"We here are first of all disappointed with the DPR's decision this morning to ratify the RUU TNI into law. This has made us as a society disappointed", said the action coordinator Ridwan Nur Hidayat on the sidelines of the action at the Solo DPRD.


The Jogja Calling Alliance, which has been demonstrating against the ratification of the RUU TNI since Thursday afternoon in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta, continued their action on Friday morning by throwing garbage onto the terrace of the Yogyakarta provincial DPRD offices then setting fire to it.

The demonstrators started the action at around 11 am. Then, at around 3.23 pm, a group of Alliance protesters who were outside re-entered the council office area carrying plastic bags filled with trash.

They then emptied the rubbish out and spread it over DPRD office terrace, while police officers simply looked on and provided security. And it was not just trash, the protesters also drew critical graffiti on the DPRD office facade using spray paint and laid out a line of old underwear along a part of the office terrace.

A short time later they protesters threw firecrackers towards the terrace then moments later set fire to the garbage scattered on the office terrace. The fire did not have time to grow because police quickly put it out. Following this, the free speech forum was resumed.

"We will stay for several days until the TNI Law is revoked, we are fed up with the haphazard policies that make us poor people even more miserable", said one of the speakers.

In addition to highlighting the potential for the revival of the TNI's dual function and the impact of repressive actions that flow from this, demonstrations in several regions highlighted the substance of the revised law. Such as Article 47 which stipulates an addition of five government agencies that can employ active soldiers, an increase from nine under the previous law to 14.

Then Article 53 that increases the retirement age of soldiers which they consider to be contrary to the spirit of reforms providing employment to address hidden unemployment in the TNI.

The demonstrators believe that by increasing the retirement age, a problem of regeneration in the TNI will be born. The increased retirement age limit means that soldiers will hold certain positions for longer and this has the potential to increase the number of non-job officers or officers who do not have jobs in military.

Earlier yesterday morning the DPR passed the RUU TNI into law during the 15th plenary session of the second sitting for the 2024-2025 period.

The RUU TNI contains several articles that have changed since it was discussed by the DPR two weeks ago. However, there are three articles that were highlighted, the first being Article 7 on the new duties and functions of the TNI in operations other than war (OMSP).

Second, Article 47 on the placement of active soldiers in civilian positions and third, Article 53 on the extension of the TNI retirement age. The extensions are divided into three clusters between privates and non-commissioned officers, middle-ranking officers and high-ranking officers.


Activists in the East Java provincial capital of Surabaya from the Surabaya Kamisan (Thursday action) and other civil society groups continued to hold protests rejecting the RUU TNI even though the regulation had already been passed by the DPR.

They even held an action in front of the location where the 2025 Semeru Ketupat Operation parade was being conducted at the Grahadi State Building (governor's office), which was being led by Indonesian Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

"We held our regular [Thursday] action in front of the Grahadi Building, the demands remain the same, related to the rejection of revisions to the TNI Law", said Kamisan Surabaya action coordinator Zaldi Maulana on Thursday.

Maulana said they only just found out that the Semeru Ketupat Operation parade had been moved to the Grahadi State Building because prior to this it has been held that Brawijaya V/Regional Military Command Headquarters (Makodam) Square. "I only just got the news but our actions had already began", he said.

Initially the protesters unfurled a banner will a message rejecting the RUU TNI right in front of the Grahadi Building. They also took turns in giving speeches.

Then, Surabaya Metropolitan District Police Chief Senior Commissioner Luthfie Sulistiawan tried to approach one of the speakers but the demonstrators quickly moved in to block him in order to protect their friend.

Sulistiawan then asked the protesters to stop the action because the TNI, the police (Polri), Transportation Office (Dishub) personnel, Public Order Agency (Satpol PP) officials and the Regional Disaster Relief Agency (BPBD) wanted to hold a parade ahead of operations to ensure security for the upcoming Idul Fitri holiday mudik (mass exodus).

Meanwhile the demonstrators said that the action would not interfere with the parade and they just wanted to convey their aspirations on Jalan Gubernur Suryo.

"Go ahead and parade, have a parade, we're at the point of giving speeches here, speaking here, we don't want to disturb you either, we're not going to disrupt mudik. The road has also been closed, we won't disturb you sir", said one of the demonstrators.

The police and the demonstrators ended up having an argument although they then decided to move back several paces. However, they continued giving speeches until the parade was finished.


A protest action by the North Sulawesi Move Alliance in Manado rejecting the revisions to Law Number 34/2024 on the TNI at the North Sulawesi (Sulut) DPRD offices on Thursday ended in chaos. Three students were arrested by police.

During the demonstration the students became emotional and tried to force their way into the DPRD because none of the lawmakers came out to meet with them.

"The clash was because there were no DPRD representatives [prepared] to face the protesters", Manado Legal Aid Foundation (LBH) Director Satriano Pangkey told CNN Indonesia on Thursday.

In a video circulating on social media, the students can be seen trying to enter the North Sulawesi DPRD offices after taking turns to convey their aspirations. But because none of the legislators came out to meet them, the students tried to force their way in. The police were able to block the students who then become involved in a scuffle with the officers.

As a result of the riot, said Pangkey, the three students were reportedly secured by police. "Those arrested were three people", he said.

Pangkey explained that after getting information that three students had been arrested at the DPRD offices, the LBH Manado immediately provided legal assistance. "Yes, we provided assistance, now the three have been released", he said. (fnr/kum/frd/mir/kid)

[Translated by James Balowski. Abridged slightly due to repetition. The original title of the article was "Deret Aksi Tolak RUU TNI di Penjuru Daerah: Jogja, Medan hingga Manado".]

