Arbitrary Arrest & Wrongful Imprisonment

Displaying 211-220 of 331 Articles

February 2019

News/West Papua
Antara News – February 19, 2019

Evarianus Supar, Timika – A sole judge at the Timika District Court in West Papua, Saiful Amam, has rejected a pre-trail suit by three West Papuan National Committee (KNPB) activists against National Police Chief (Kapolri) Tito Karnavian, Papua Police Chief (Kapolda) Inspector General Martuani Sormin and Mimika District Police Chief (Kapolres) A

January 2019

News/West Papua
CNN Indonesia – January 8, 2019

Jakarta – Papuan police have charged three West Papua National Committee (KNPB) members with treason (makar). The case has now been handed over to the Papua regional police headquarters (Mapolda) in Jayapura City for processing by the Papua regional police (Polda) General Crimes Detectives Directorate (Ditreskrimum).

News/West Papua
CNN Indonesia – January 5, 2019

Jakarta – On Saturday January 5 the Mimika district police (Polres) in Papua questioned eight West Papua National Committee (KNPB) activists in relation to a case of alleged subversion (maker).

December 2018

News/West Papua
CNN Indonesia – December 11, 2018

Jakarta – West Papua National Committee (KNPB) spokesperson Ones Suhuniap says that security forces arrested 132 people during the commemoration of International Human Rights Day in West Papua on Tuesday December 10. Ninety people were arrested in Timika and another 42 in Merauke.

News/West Papua
Suara Papua – December 1, 2018

Arnold Belau, Jayapura – As many as 96 activists from the Indonesian People’s Front for West Papua (FRI-WP) in Ternate, North Maluku, were arrested after police forcibly broke up a rally in front of the Barito Market.

November 2018

CNN Indonesia – November 27, 2018

Jakarta – The Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR) says that a Supreme Court (MA) verdict increasing the sentence against an activist who protested a mine in East Java and was charged with spreading communist ideas is an example of the law being used to silence activists or SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation).

October 2018

Radar Bali – October 11, 2018

Denpasar – Police arrested and later released five activists from the Community Resistance Movement (Komunitas Gerak Lawan) to prevent them from holding a protest action against the annual IMF-World Bank meeting in Bali.

September 2018

News/Indonesia – September 25, 2018

Bitung – Twelve activists have been arrested following a peaceful action by Greenpeace activists and four members of the band Boomerang who occupied a palm oil supply ship and refinery in Bitung, North Sulawesi operated by a unit of Singapore’s Wilmar International.

News/West Papua
Tabloid JUBI – September 24, 2018

Benny Mawel, Jayapura – Students from several tertiary institutions in the Papuan provincial capital of Jayapura have been holding actions to support efforts by Vanuatu and other Pacific countries to take the Papuan issue before the 72rd Session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in late September.

News/West Papua
Tabloid Jubi – September 4, 2018

Benny Mawel, Jayapura – Police have arrested scores of protesters at a demonstration organised by the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) as they were gathering at Sentani Post 7 in Jayapura.