Civilian Killings & Political Violence

May 2007

News/Indonesia – May 20, 2007

Rafiqa Qurrata A, Jakarta – The central leadership board of the National Liberation Party of Unity suspects there is a political plot to destroy them. This is taking a number forms such as terror and intimidation.

News/Indonesia – May 20, 2007

Rafiqa Qurrata A, Jakarta – The Central Leadership Board of the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas) intends to meet with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to report the numerous forms of terror and intimidation they have been experiencing.

Kompas – May 14, 2007

Palu – The regional office of the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas) in the Central Sulawesi provincial capital of Palu was attacked by members of the Indonesian military (TNI) on Sunday May 13 at around 1am local time. Three party activists were beaten and suffered serious injuries.

News/Indonesia – May 14, 2007

Arfi Bambani Amri, Jakarta – One of the perpetrators of an attack on the offices of the Central Sulawesi branch of the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas) is known to be a rogue member of the Indonesian military (TNI). Papernas is urging the TNI to provide an explanation for and to investigate the incident.

Tempo Interactive – May 14, 2007

Palu, Tito Sianipar – The secretariat offices of the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas) in the Central Sulawesi provincial capital of Palu was attacked by a large group of people on Sunday night.

May 2006

Kompas – May 12, 2006

Windoro Adi – “We are grateful that the government has finally acknowledged our fallen son a hero of reformasi. They did not die in vain”, said Hiratetty, the mother of Elang Mulia Lesmana at a press conference at the Trisakti University campus on Monday May 8.

February 2006

News/Aceh – February 27, 2006

Banda Aceh – The Aceh Monitoring Mission (AMM) has asked the Indonesian government to immediately conduct an investigation into the illegal groups that were behind the recent attack on the Aceh Referendum Information Center (SIRA) in Blang Pidie, West Aceh.

Aceh Kita – February 26, 2006

Rilis, Banda Aceh – A meeting of the Commission for Security Arrangements (COSA) on Saturday February 25 has discussed a number of crucial issues that have taken place in Aceh such as violence against members of the Aceh Monitoring Mission (AMM) and the vandalism of the Aceh Referendum Information Center (SIRA) offices in Blang Pidie, West Aceh.

Tempo Interactive – February 17, 2006

Imran MA, Banda Aceh – The Blang Pidie representative offices of the Aceh Referendum Information Center (SIRA) in West Aceh was attacked by a group of around 100 militia on Friday February 17. All of the office equipment including a typewriter, radio and other materials were destroyed. The office is now under a tight police guard.

News/West Papua – February 4, 2006

Yogyakarta – Dozens of students from West Papua demonstrated at the intersection in front of the Yogyakarta central post office on Friday February 3. The demonstration was held to express their concern over the Wagete shooting incident in the Tigi sub-district of the Paniai regency on January 20.