Corruption & Abuse of Power

December 2018

Kompas – December 12, 2018

Writing on shark reads “Corruption”, writing on boat reads “Public Trust”.

According to a report by the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) and Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) on its latest study on the public’s perception of corruption, 52 percent of respondents in 2018 agreed that corruption levels have increased in some way.

CNN Indonesia – December 8, 2018

Jakarta – Hundreds of workers from the Confederation of United Indonesian Workers (KPBI) held a protest march on Saturday December 8 from the Farmers Monument in Central Jakarta to the nearby State Palace. During the action, the workers highlighted the problems of corruption and the government’s failure to resolve human rights violations.

CNN Indonesia – December 8, 2018

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The Working Party (Partai Berkarya) which is led by Hutomo Mandala Putra alias Tommy Suharto claims that the 2nd president of Indonesia, Suharto, was a pioneer in the eradication of corruption. It was Suharto who enacted Law Number 3/1971 on the Eradication of Corruption at the start of his administration.

June 2018

Kompas – June 7, 2018

From an op-ed piece title Stop Wage Payments to the Corrupt.

According to the National Civil Service Agency (BKN), the government is spending a huge amount of money on the salaries of civil servants who have been convicted of graft.

Kompas – June 6, 2018

Criminal Code Style Revisions

Before, After

November 2017

Kompas – November 22, 2017

Suharto’s former ruling party Golkar, which for years has stood by Setya Novanto in the face of a string of corruption scandals, is moving quickly to distance itself from the House speaker and party chair who they now see as an electoral liability following his arrest by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) last week.

Kompas – November 8, 2017

Having skillfully used his political power and influence to dodged the law a in series of corruption scandals dating back to 1999, House speaker and Golkar Party chair Setya Novanto – dubbed by the media as ‘Mr Teflon’ – may finally face justice after the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) again named him a suspect a month after a controver

October 2017

Kompas – October 4, 2017

Dubbed by the media as ‘Mr Teflon’ for skillfully using his political power and influence to avoid indictment over a series of corruption scandals dating back to 1999, to the delight of other lawmakers but anger and disbelief among the general public, House speaker and Golkar Party chair Setya Novanto has once again managed to dodge the law afte

September 2017

Kompas – September 20, 2017

Woman: Hey Mr you’re all grown up, how come you’re still being spoon fed? (Arm band read ‘Sting Operation’)

A play on the word ‘suap’ which means both ‘spoon feed’ as well as ‘a bribe’ and ‘to bribe’.

Kompas – September 16, 2017

Lawmakers: Freeze the KPK, we strengthened the KPK so why the OTT, delay the legal process...

Kid (speaking to President Widodo): Dogs bark when a caravan goes by right Mr?