Gayus: Happy here, happy there, happy happy everywhere...
Criminal Justice & Legal System
Displaying 121-130 of 149 Articles
November 2010
August 2010
Kid: Mr, don’t worry about the wealth report... there’s a special going on letters certifying good behaviour... and remissions!
April 2010
Kid: This scandal, that scandal, there’s no end to it... so what’s the broad national development program Sir?
Politician (chair reads “Republic of Clowns”): Build as maaaaany prisons as possible.
February 2010
1st Man: You lookin’ for something?
2nd Man: His conscience.
January 2010
Kid: It’s been like this for years...
Prisoner: If there’s an inspection you’ll deal with it right, I’ll give you some more pocket money later ok?
Bottom cells: Chicken thief, pickpocket, clothing thief.
Jakarta – A existence of a human rights court and ad hoc human rights judges needs to be reexamined. Moreover ad hoc human rights judges are seen as excessive and consideration needs to be given to whether such ad hoc judges are in line with international justice.
December 2009
Kid: It turns out that a coin can carry more weight, right Dad?
Scales read: Justice/Law.
Nala Edwin, Jakarta – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) is urging the government to investigate the beating of Buchtar Tabuni, a prisoner at the Abepura jail near the Papuan provincial capital of Jayapura. The beating triggered a riot at the jail on November 26.
November 2009
While the rich and powerful trample over the legal system with impunity, the poor and those seeking redress for injustice, domestic violence and human rights abuses face a maze of corruption, legal discrimination and bureaucratic hurdles.