Rizka Diputra, Jakarta – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) is calling on official state institutions such as the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM), the Attorney General’s Office (AGO) and even the president to act upon a statement by former Army Strategic Reserves Command (Kostrad, Green Berets) Chi
Human Rights & Social Justice
Displaying 521-530 of 826 Articles
May 2014
December 2013
September 2013
Jakarta – The Civil Society Coalition for Security Sector Reform (KMSRSK) is calling for reform to military justice to be accelerated.
August 2013
Fransisca Ria Susan, Jakarta – The kidnappings, forced disappearances and killing of more than 1 million Indonesians between 1965-1967 were not a tragedy, because they did not occur as part of a two-sided conflict.
Jakarta – The Indonesian government is being called on to ratify the International Convention on Enforced Disappearance of Persons.
Jakarta – The long fight to uncover and moreover reconcile the 1965-66 affair is slowly starting to show results. Still needed of course is hard work and a readiness on the part of several parties to uncover the truth and come to terms with the facts of the affair.
July 2013
Mettu Badii, Semarang – Scores of students and young people from the group National Papua Solidarity (NAPAS) held a candlelit vigil in front of the Diponegoro University campus in the Central Java provincial capital of Semarang on Sunday July 14 to remember the bloody Wasior and Wamena incidents.
Finalia Kodrati, Arie Dwi Budiawati – Papua National Solidarity (NAPAS) is demanding that the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) and the Attorney General’s Office fully resolve the alleged human rights violations that took place in Wasior and Wamena, West Papua, in [2001 and] 2003.
May 2013
Is Mujiarso, Jakarta – Even when he was a political fugitive, Wiji Thukul could still joke. When it was raining, he once wrote in a poem: The rain falls tonight/to protect me/the secret police with such small wages/must be really annoyed...
January 2013
Aditya Revianur, Jakarta – The coordinator of the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras), Haris Ashar says that the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) should issue a list of 2014 presidential (capres) and legislative (caleg) candidates that have committed crimes against humanity.