Rivki, Jakarta – On January 8 officials from the Padang public prosecutor’s office and the TNI (Indonesian military) seized several books alleged to contain the teachings of the banned Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) from a bookshop in West Padang.
Displaying 2281-2290 of 5012 Articles
January 2019
Jakarta – Participants of the Kamisan (Thursday) actions in Jakarta are pessimistic that either presidential candidate (capres) is willing to resolve cases of past gross human rights (HAM) violations.
Because of this, they are thinking about going to the polling stations (TPS) but not voting for either one of the candidates.
Tsarina Maharani, Jakarta – Tommy Suharto’s Working Party (Partai Berkarya) has spoken out about communism – which is banned in Indonesia – in relation to the seizure of books deemed to contain communist ideas in Padang on January 8. The party says that groups who are against former President Suharto are pro-communist.
Bagus Prihantoro Nugroho, Jakarta – A book written by a politician from President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s ruling Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) Budiman Sudjatmiko titled Children of the Revolution has been seized in a raid by a team of TNI (Indonesian military) and the Padang public prosecutor’s office after it was deeme
Jeka Kampai, Padang – The owner of the Nagare Boshi bookshop in Padang, Yanto Tjahaja, says he has been left deeply traumatised by the raid by a team from the TNI (Indonesian military) and the Padang public prosecutor’s office who seized books deemed to contain ‘communist’ ideas from his place of business on Tuesday January 8.
Jakarta – Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) chairperson Agus Rahardjo says that the panelists and the presidential election campaign teams of incumbent President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and rival Prabowo Subianto have agreed not to discuss specific human rights cases during the first presidential debate.
Ihsanuddin, Jakarta – A December 2018 survey by Denny JA Indonesian Survey Circle (LSI) shows that six parties contesting the 2019 legislative elections will not get enough votes to pass the parliamentary threshold of 4 percent required to gain a seat in the House of Representatives (DPR).
Jeka Kampai, Padang – A joint team from the District Military Command (Kodim) and the Padang Attorney General’s Office have seized a number of books alleged to contain communist ideas.
Depok – Depok Mayor Mohammad Idris is asking the public to immediately report to the authorities if they discover sexually deviant or Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender (LGBT) activities in their area so local officials can take action. The Depok municipal government has already issued several regulations on deviant sexual behaviour.
Reza Jurnaliston, Jakarta – Tommy Suharto’s Working Party (Partai Berkarya) is asking parties which were “revered” by Tommy’s father and the 2nd president of Indonesia, Suharto, to stand shoulder-to-shoulder to build the Working Party by contributing ideas, votes, labour, prayers and materials.