Man: Will it reach its target, no, yes? (chest reads Fuel Compensation Funds, book reads 2013 State Budget)
Displaying 3201-3210 of 4947 Articles
June 2013
Man: Simalakama fruit is sweet too right Mr? (a play on the saying “Like eating Simalakama fruit, if you eat it your father will die, if you don’t your mother will die”)
Next year’s legislative election is unlikely to yield any improvement in the quality of lawmakers since political parties have selected candidates based on popularity rather than ability, with an Indonesian Voters Institute analysis of the candidate lists submitted by the 12 parties participating in next year’s ballot finding most contenders are
Man: Ready to win Mr?
Cakada: Yep
Man: Are you also prepared to loose?
Cakada: Yep...
Bomb reads: Terrorism, Bank Century scandal, Lapindo mudflow disaster, Hambalang corruption scandal, narcotics, police general’s fat bank accounts, beef import scandal, fuel price hikes, Poso sectarian violence, etc...
May 2013
Jakarta – The chairperson of the country’s top religious body the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI), KH Ma’ruf Amin is calling on all parties to be on guard against the reemergence of the Indonesian communist movement.
Newspaper reads: Housing prices continue to rise, Palace of the Gods only 2.8 billion [rupiah].
Man: Is that the price, its so low...
Is Mujiarso, Jakarta – Even when he was a political fugitive, Wiji Thukul could still joke. When it was raining, he once wrote in a poem: The rain falls tonight/to protect me/the secret police with such small wages/must be really annoyed...
Ali Akhmad, Jakarta – As many as 29 women’s community groups from the Indonesian Women’s Action Committee (KAPI) commemorated 20 years since the murder of Marsinah by holding a candlelight vigil at the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle in Central Jakarta on the evening of May 8.