A workers action commemorating International Labour Day or May Day at the House of Representatives (DPR) in Jakarta also demanded the cancelation of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA).
Displaying 3521-3530 of 4946 Articles
May 2011
Mursalin Yasland, Bandar Lampung – Hundreds of activists and workers in the Lampung provincial capital of Bandar Lampung took to the city’s street on International Labour Day.
Iman Herdiana, Bandung – Hundreds of students and workers from the People’s Struggle Front (FPR) held a protest action in front of the West Java provincial government offices in Bandung today to commemorate International Labour Day.
Hendra Saputram Banda Aceh – Commemorating International Labour Day, scores of mass media workers in the Acehnese provincial of Banda Aceh held a peaceful action condemning violence against journalists on Sunday.
Febrina Ayu Scottiati, Jakarta – A peaceful commemoration of Labour Day in front of the State Palace in Jakarta became heated after protesters set fire to five tyres at around 12.15pm forcing police to deploy anti-riot troops.
Sukabumi (PRLM) – Hundreds of workers from the Sukabumi regency National Trade Union (SPN) in West Java commemorated International May day at the Sukabumi regional government offices.
Semarang – Hundreds of people from groups such as the National Workers Union (SPN) and the Indonesian People’s United Resistance (PPRI) commemorated International Labour Day (May Day) on Sunday in the Central Java provincial capital of Semarang.
Komhukum (Jakarta) – Thousands of workers are still demonstrating at the State Palace on Jl. Merdeka Barat in Central Jakarta demanding reforms to working conditions.
Rohmat, Denpasar – The commemoration of International Labour Day in Bali was commemorated by a number of different student organisations. Workers however were absent from the protest.
April 2011
Indra Subagja, Jakarta – The National Republic Party (Partai Nasrep) has registered itself with the Department of Justice and Human Rights (Kemenkum HAM).