Happy Chinese New Year
Sign: Visit Jakarta the Water Front City
For many communities in North Jakarta this year, Chinese New Year celebrations were marred by widespread flooding.
Happy Chinese New Year
Sign: Visit Jakarta the Water Front City
For many communities in North Jakarta this year, Chinese New Year celebrations were marred by widespread flooding.
Indra Subagja, Jakarta – The United Nations will continue to monitor the case involving the murder of human rights activist Munir. UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Margaret Sekaggya has also conveyed her feelings of concern about the acquittal of Munir murder defendant Muchdi Purwoprandjono.
Indra Subagja, Jakarta – The public prosecutor handing the case of murdered human rights activists Munir has submitted a judicial review to the Supreme Court via the South Jakarta District Court. The Solidarity Committee for Munir (Kasum) hopes that the Supreme Court will allow the hearings to be open to the public.
Reza Yunanto, Jakarta – A number of points in Jakarta will me coloured by protest actions today. For those of you passing through these areas, you should be mindful of the possibility of traffic jams.
Writing above House of Representatives: Absent! They’ve got permission... Also absent... They’ve got permission too... Also got permission. Unclear!
Man: Wander when they’ll be promoted to the next grade?
Jakarta – According to Transparency International Indonesia (TII), the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) has become one of the institutions that most frequently accept bribes. Most of this alleged bribery is related to management of halal (kosher, permitted under Islam) certificates.
Didi Syafirdi, Jakarta – Scores of students held a demonstration in the Megaria area of Central Jakarta on January 20 opposing the 2009 general elections. During the action the students even set fire to political party flags.
Nurseffi Dwi Wahyuni, Jakarta – As many as 500,000 casual, contract and permanent workers will loose their jobs if no orders come in to ensure industrial activity continues.
Man: ...I’m not worried about disasters or if the price of kerosene will going down, Madame... But what about my fortunes, in the elections?
Chazizah Gusnita, Jakarta – Thirty-four years after the Malari affair – short for The January 15 Disaster – a student actions opposing foreign capital, particularly Japanese capital on January 15, 2974, demands for the foreign debt to be written off are now being articulated again.