Political Parties & Elections

Displaying 861-870 of 999 Articles

December 2004

Detik.com – December 3, 2004

M. Rizal Maslan, Jakarta – Around 52 activists have declared the formation of the Volunteers for Democratic Struggle (Relawan Perjuangan Demokrasi, RPD) and say they have decided to join with the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P). One of them is the former chairperson of the People’s Democratic Party (PRD), Budiman Sudjatmiko.

November 2004

Tempo Interactive – November 2, 2004

Suliyanti, Jakarta – The deputy chairperson of the People’s Democratic Party (PRD), Lukman Halim, has proposed that the People’s Representative Assembly (DPR) commissions be temporarily frozen in order to cool down the increasingly sharp dispute developing between the parliament and the government.

October 2004

Kompas – October 30, 2004

Jakarta – Two Acehnese non-government organisations, the Acehnese Popular Democratic Resistance Front (Front Perlawanan Demokratik Rakyat Aceh, FPDRA) and the Acehnese Democratic Women’s Organisation (Organisasi Perempuan Aceh Demokrati, ORPAD) are demanding the fulfillment of President Bambang Susilo Yudhoyono’s promise during the election camp

Detik.com – October 22, 2004

Jakarta – The structure and makeup of the Indonesian United Cabinet of newly inaugurated President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono will not effect any substantial changes because its members are lacking in professionalism, integrity and ability.

Tempo Interactive – October 20, 2004

Dian Yuliastuti, Jakarta – Scores of students from a number of student and labour groups have demonstrated demanding that the new government of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) and Vice-president Jusuf Kalla create a democratic government.

Tempo Interactive – October 20, 2004

Rofiqi Hasan, Jakarta – Scores of students in Denpasar, the provincial capital of Bali, held a demonstration on Wednesday October 20 to coincide with the inauguration of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) and Vice-president Jusuf Kalla.

Kompas – October 19, 2004

Jakarta, Kompas – President-elect Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) is being urged to form a clean and productive government.

Detik.com – October 18, 2004

Eka Saprianawati, Jakarta – The inauguration of president and vice-president elect Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Jusuf Kalla (SBY-JK) on October 20 will be greeted with demonstrations. As many as 25 non-government organisations (NGOs) and student groups plan to demonstrate calling on SBY-JK to keep their election promises.

September 2004

Detik.com – September 19, 2004

Suwarjono, Jakarta – Don’t miss an opportunity, that’s the journalist’s motto and this includes the final moments in the lead-up to the “finals” of the second-round of the presidential election.

August 2004

Detik.com – August 26, 2004

Adhi Pratomo, Jakarta – Activists from the Student and People’s Alliances Against RUU TNI (Aliansi Mahasiswa dan Rakyat Tolak RUU TNI) believe that the RUU TNI (Rancangan Undang-Undang Tentara Nasional Indonesia, draft law on the armed forces) represents an endeavor by President Megawati Sukarnoputri to jack-up her votes in the second-round pres