FPI claims sexual violence bill ridden with Western feminism, will legalise LGBT

Detik News – August 24, 2019
Enlighten the State Alliance protest against sexual violence bill – Undated (Detik)
Enlighten the State Alliance protest against sexual violence bill – Undated (Detik)

Jakarta – The Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) emphatically opposes the Draft Law on the Elimination of Sexual Violence believing that it contains Western feminist ideas which are anti-religion and has the potential to legalise Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) activities.

“Currently there is a lively discussion for and against the Draft Law on the Elimination of Sexual Violence (RUU-PKS) in the DPR RI [House of Representatives]. After we studied it, the RUU based on a draft that we obtained from the official DPR RI website, the FPI opposes the RUU-PKS”, said FPI Chairperson Sobri Lubis when giving greetings to the FPI’s 21st anniversary as seen in by Detik.com in a YouTube video aired on the Front TV account on Saturday August 24.

Lubis said that the RUU-PKS is an attempt to smuggle in Western feminist ideas. According to Lubis, these Western feminist ideas conflict with religion and the state ideology of Pancasila.

“Why? Because this RUU is very dangerous, because in this RUU we saw that there was a systematic attempt to smuggle in and force through Western feminist ideas which are anti-religion, to be applied in the lives of families in the Indonesian nation which hold the values of religion in the highest regard as enshrined in the first principle of Pancasila, Belief in the Almighty God”, he said.

In addition to this, he said that Western feminism has a destructive character in its position on relations between men and women. Yet he continued, Islam teaches proportional relations between men and women.

“Western feminist ideas endeavour to create gender equality, which is destructive because it positions relationships between men and women like a relationship between enemies who are always ready to battle against one another. Meanwhile Islam teaches us the concept of gender accord (keserasian gender), that is a proportional relationship between men and women. Relationship which fulfill and complement each other”, he explained.

He also took issue with the definition of the phrase “hasrat seksual” (sexual desire) which he believes is unclear in the law. According to Lubis, this phrase could potentially lead to a discussion on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues.

“Furthermore the RUU-PKS even has the potential to legalise LGBT. Why is this so? In the definition of sexual violence, in Article 1 Paragraph 1, sexual violence includes insults, attacks against the sexual desire of a person. There is no further elucidation on the meaning of this phrase in the appendix”, he said.

“We strongly suspect that the phrases ‘someone’s sexual desire’ means sexual orientation. If we are discussing sexual orientation, then we will end up discussing LGBT”, he added.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was “FPI Tolak RUU PKS: Berbahaya, Berpotensi Melegalkan LGBT”.]

Source: https://news.detik.com/berita/4679068/fpi-tolak-ruu-pks-berbahaya-berpotensi-melegalkan-lgbt
