Aceh Islamic leaders reject youth contraception, ban on female circumcision

CNN Indonesia – August 6, 2024
Ulama Consultative Assembly Chairperson Faisal Ali – Undated (Serambi News)

Aceh – The Aceh Ulama Consultative Assembly (MPU) has rejected Government Regulation (PP) Number 28/2024 on Health, one of the points being that it regulates the provision of contraception for school-aged children.

The rejection by the Aceh MPU was made after examining the regulation and issuing Tausiyah (Recommendation) Number 7/2024 on the prohibition of female circumcision and the provision of contraceptives to adolescents in the health regulation.

In the Tausiyah it explains that circumcision for men and women represents a fitrah (rule) and Islamic syiar (religious obligation). Circumcision can also be done medically and professionally and is not harmful.

"The Aceh MPU rejects the prohibition on female circumcision. The Aceh MPU firmly rejects the provision of contraception for high school children and teenagers", read one of the points in the Tausiyah as quoted by CNN Indonesia on Tuesday August 6.

In the next point of the Tausiyah, the Aceh MPU asks the Aceh Government to adhere to the specific features of Aceh under the principles of Islamic law and Aceh's customs related to the prohibition on female circumcision and the provision of contraceptives for high school children and teenagers.

"[We are] asking government and private owned healthcare service agencies to facilitate circumcision services for women", pleaded the Aceh MPU in the Tausiyah.

The Tausiyah, which was issued on August 5, was signed by Aceh MPU Chairperson Tgk Faisal Ali and the MPU deputy chairperson.

Government Regulation Number 28/2024 on the Implementation of Regulations of Law Number 17/23 on Health, which was signed by President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo, refers to the provision of contraceptives for high school students and adolescents.

Article 103 Paragraph (4) of the regulation states that one the form of health service for reproductive system for school age and adolescents is to provide contraception. (dra/isn)


According to quoting from the website the prohibition on female circumcision is contained in Article 102 (a) which reads:

"Health endeavours on the reproductive system of infants, toddlers, and pre-school children as referred to in Article 101 paragraph (1) letter a are at the minimum in the form of:

a. "abolishing the practice of female circumcision".

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin has clarified that the provision of contraceptives for school-aged children and adolescents aims to reduce maternal mortality rates among teenagers, rather than promoting premarital sex. Sadikin emphasised that this measure is intended only for married adolescents noting that that child marriage still occurs in some regions, prompting the government to offer contraceptives.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was " Ulama Aceh Tolak Aturan Kontrasepsi Pelajar & Larangan Sunat Perempuan".]

