Jokowi using asset seizure bill as revenge on DPR for not passing election revisions

Source – August 30, 2024
President Widodo speaking to reporters in Tasikmalaya, West Java – August 29, 2024 (Kompas)

Aryo Putranto Saptohutomo, Jakarta – The discourse on the House of Representatives (DPR) immediately passing the Draft Law on Asset Seizures (RUU Perampasan Aset) is seen as a counterattack by President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo to hide his disappointment because his political interests were not accommodated.

According to political observer Jannus TH Siahaan, President Widodo is not actually too serious about pushing for the completion of the asset seizure bill.

"This discourse is actually being pushed by the Palace as a form of disappointment on the part of the Palace over the performance of the DPR which was not in accordance with the Palace's expectations", Siahaan said in a statement as quoted on Friday August 30.

Siahaan said that the issue of the asset seizure bill was not only directed by the palace to corner the DPR, but reportedly also being used to corner the student movement which has been accused of not holding demonstrations over the issue as it did on the DPR's attempt to revise the Regional Elections Law (UU Pilkada).

On the other hand, Siahaan believes that the issue is also being banded around as a counterattack because of the DPR's failure to pass the revisions to the Regional Elections Law that ran counter to a recent ruling by the Constitutional Court (MK).

"This time, the aspirations for the bill are again being raised by the Palace because the other day the DPR failed to continue efforts to change several articles in the MK's ruling which thwarted (Widodo's youngest son) Kaesang [Pangarep] from stepping forward [as a candidate for Central Java governor] in the Pilkada", said Siahaan.

Siahaan believes the strategy of cornering the DPR is often used by the Palace when they are in a state of confusion and cornered.

According to Siahaan, when the revisions to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Law emerged publicly, which was seen as weakening the anti-graft institution, similar issues were also raised.

Then, continued Siahaan, when the student movement rejected the discourse on constitutional amendments to allow Widodo to run for a third term, the authorities promoted a discourse over why the asset seizure bill was not articulated in the demonstrators' demands.

"This time, when the students succeeded in pressuring the DPR not to revise the Pilkada Law, the issue of the draft law was again raised in the public space", said Siahaan.

As reported earlier, President Widodo has again conveyed a request that the asset seizure bill be completed by the DPR. According to Widodo, the DPR should also respond quickly to urgent matters.

In addition, Widodo stated that the asset seizure bill was important to assist law enforcement agencies in eradicating corruption and other criminal acts. Moreover, the government submitted the bill to the DPR as far back as 2012.

DPR Speaker Puan Maharani however, has in fact questioned the benefits of accelerating the the deliberations on the asset seizure bill.

"If it's accelerated, will it be better, please ask (Jokowi) that", Maharani said at the parliamentary complex in Senayan, Jakarta, on Thursday August 29.

"Then will the legal requirements and mechanisms be fulfilled so in the short period of time left [in the DPR's current term] whether then it will be or not be possible, so we are focusing on things that are important and must be resolved", said Maharani.


According to Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW), Widodo is also using the issue of the asset seizure bill to "wash his hands" of the Regional Election Law debacle, which triggered widespread public anger against him and his family over attempts to expand his political dynasty and maintain power after leaving office in October.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "Isu RUU Perampasan Aset Dianggap Serangan Balik Jokowi Usai DPR Gagal Loloskan RUU Pilkada".]

