
September 2019

West Papua
KBR – September 3, 2019

Valda Kustarini, Astri Septiani and Adi Ahdiat, Jakarta – The Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR) and the Institute for Human Rights Studies and Advocacy (ELSAM) have criticised the arrest of six Papuan students on charges of makar (treason, subversion, rebellion).

West Papua
Detik News – September 2, 2019

Eva Safitri, Jakarta – Coordinating Minister for Security, Politics and Legal Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Wiranto has spoken out about the alleged involvement of Papuan separatist figure Benny Wenda accusing him of being part of a conspiracy which triggered the recent rights in Papua.

West Papua
KBR – September 2, 2019

Zae Baneza, Ulfia Dwi and Adi Ahdiat, Jakarta – On Sunday September 1 the police arrested a number of Papuan students in Jakarta on charges of treason (makar).

Not long after this, the Jakarta Legal Aid Foundation (LBH) issued a press release stating that the police were conducting sweeps.

West Papua
Detik News – September 2, 2019

Jakarta – The parties taking advantage of the riots in Papua and West Papua are starting to be revealed. The Indonesian police (Polri) suspect that these groups have links with international networks.

West Papua
CNN Indonesia – September 1, 2019

Jakarta – The Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) head of organisational development, Febriyonesta, has criticised police for declaring eight people as suspects for flying the Morning Star flag during a protest action in front of the State Palace on August 28.

West Papua
CNN Indonesia – September 1, 2019

Jakarta – The legal team representing Indonesian People’s Front for West Papua (FRI-WP) spokesperson Surya Anta has confirmed that their client was arrested by police at a shopping centre in Jakarta on the evening of Saturday August 31. Anta was arrested on charges of treason (makar).

West Papua
CNN Indonesia – September 1, 2019

Jakarta – Indonesian People’s Front for West Papua (FRI-WP) spokesperson Surya Anta was arrested by police in Jakarta overnight.

August 2019

West Papua
CNN Indonesia – August 31, 2019

Jakarta – West Papua National Committee (KNPB) spokesperson Victor Yeimo says that they are calling for a national strike throughout the territory claimed to be West Papua to demand a referendum or an act of self-determination through a popular vote.

West Papua
CNN Indonesia – August 31, 2019

Jakarta – Scores of students from Papua and West Papua plan to surrender themselves to the Metro Jaya regional police following the arrest of two activists who took part in a rally at the State Palace in Central Jakarta which ended in the raising of the Morning Star flag.

West Papua
CNN Indonesia – August 31, 2019

Jakarta – On Friday August 30 the Metro Jaya regional police arrested two people on charges of treason (makar) for allegedly flying the Morning Star flag in front of the State Place during a rally on Wednesday August 28.

CNN Indonesia – August 30, 2019

Jakarta – Hundreds of people and three command vehicles arrived on the grounds of the Corruption Eradication Commission’s (KPK) Red-and-White building in Jakarta at 3 pm Friday August 30.

West Papua
CNN Indonesia – August 30, 2019

Jakarta – Coordinating Minister for Security, Politics and Legal Affairs Wiranto says that the government is open to dialogue with all parties to improve the situation in Papua, but it will not discuss a referendum or Papuan independence.

West Papua
CNN Indonesia – August 28, 2019

Jakarta – Scores of Papuan students have again flown the Morning Star flag during a protest action demanding a referendum for Papua in front of the State Palace in Jakarta on Wednesday August 28. They also asked President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo to meet with them.

Detik News – August 24, 2019

Jakarta – The Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) emphatically opposes the Draft Law on the Elimination of Sexual Violence believing that it contains Western feminist ideas which are anti-religion and has the potential to legalise Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) activities.

CNN Indonesia – August 24, 2019

Jakarta – Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan took part in dawn prayers during a commemoration of Indonesian independence and the 21st anniversary of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) at the Rawa Badak Stadium in Koja, North Jakarta, on Saturday August 24.

CNN Indonesia – August 23, 2019

Jakarta – Protesters from the United People’s Struggle (KPR) say that the planned revisions to Law Number 13/2003 on Labour will further burden workers in Indonesia because it will introduce greater flexibility to employment status and wages.

West Papua
CNN Indonesia – August 22, 2019

Jakarta – The Morning Star flag was flown by more than 100 Papuan protesters from the Student Alliance Against Racism, Capitalism, Colonialism and Militarism during a rally in front of the Presidential Palace in Central Jakarta on Thursday August 22.

West Papua
Detik News – August 22, 2019

Noval Dhwinuari Antony, Jakarta – Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko believes that there is an armed group and political axis that is exploiting the issue of racism to ferment riots in Papua. The Free Papua Movement (OPM) is one of them.

West Papua
Tempo – August 22, 2019

Iqbal Tawakal Lazuardi, Jakarta – Papuan students in the West Java provincial capital of Bandung feel hurt and angry after being given two boxes of alcohol by a police officer.

West Papua
Pojok Satu – August 20, 2019

Guruh Permadi, Jakarta – The coordinator of the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras), Yati Andriyani, believes that the statement by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on the riots in Papua was totally inadequate.