
November 2019

Detik News – November 17, 2019

Yulida Medistiara, Jakarta – The Nusantara Traditional Community Alliance (AMAN) has criticised the government’s plan for couples to take pre-marital lessons on family life and children’s welfare before they can get married. AMAN believes that it will be difficult for traditional communities to qualify for this.

Java Post – November 17, 2019

Jakarta – The 2019 selection of candidate state civil servants (CPNS) has created a polemic related to a special requirement which is being applied by the Attorney General’s Office (AGO) that applicants not have a deviant sexual orientation.

CNN Indonesia – November 17, 2019

Jakarta – Indonesian Human Rights Watch (Imparsial) has found scores of violations against freedom of religion and worship (KBB) or intolerance in Indonesia over the last year.

Imparsial Program Coordinator Ardimanto Adiputra said that the violations against freedom of religion and worship occurred in a variety of forms.

CNN Indonesia – November 15, 2019

Jakarta – Justice and Prosperity Party (PKS) Executive Board Chairperson for Regional Affairs, Tifatul Sembiring, has warned the newly formed People’s Wave Party (Gelora) not to poach members from other political parties.

KBR – November 15, 201

Dian Kurniati, Jakarta – The Presidential Palace has confirmed that it plans to revive the law on a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (KKR) which was annulled by the Constitutional Court in 2006.

Detik News – November 13, 2019

Rahel Narda Chaterine, Jakarta – A group of students from the Semanggi Student Action Front held a commemoration marking 21 years since the Semanggi I tragedy. They even managed to put up a huge banner demanding that the perpetrators of human rights violations be brought to trial.

Indonesia – November 12, 2019

Kristian Erdianto, Jakarta – During a working meeting with the House of Representatives (DPR) Commission I, Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto explained the concept of defense and security which he will pursue over the next five years.

West Papua
CNN Indonesia – November 12, 2019

Jakarta – The Papua Advocacy Team has protested the continued restrictions on access to six Papua activists who are being detained at the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters (Mako Brimob) detention centre in Depok.

KBR – November 11, 2019

Muthia Kusuma, Jakarta – National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Commissioner Choirul Anam has noted a number of reports related to alleged human rights violations involving the desecration of religion which have still not be resolved.

West Papua
CNN Indonesia – November 11, 2019

Jakarta – Scores of students from the United Student Front (FMB) held an action at the South Jakarta District Court on Monday November 11.

West Papua – November 11, 2019

Walda Marison, Jakarta – The first pre-trial suit hearing involving Indonesian People’s Front for West Papua (FRI-WP) spokesperson Surya Anta Ginting and five other Papua activists charged with raising the Morning Star flag in front of the State Palace in late August has been postponed.

West Papua
CNN Indonesia – November 11, 2019

Jakarta – A representative of the Islamic-based Justice and Prosperity Party (PKS), Jazuli Juwaini, has asked Defense Minister (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto to pay more attention to missionaries or religious leaders in Papua.

CNN Indonesia – November 8, 2019

Jakarta – The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) has criticised remarks by the new Attorney General ST Burhanuddin when he explained the obstacles to resolving cases of past human rights (HAM) violations to the House of Representatives’ (DPR) Commission III on Thursday November 7.

KBR – November 6, 2019

Adi Ahdiat, Jakarta – Research and international digital rights advocacy institute Freedom House says that internet freedom in Indonesia has worsened compared with last year.

According to their rating, in 2018 Indonesia was rated as 54 out of 100, but in 2019 its position dropped to a ranking of 51.

CNN Indonesia – November 4, 2019

Jakarta – The Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) says that civil freedoms under the administration of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo have tended to worsen. LSI Executive Director Djayadi Hanan said that the worsening of civil freedoms has occurred in concert with a decline in several other democratic indictors.

West Papua
CNN Indonesia – November 4, 2019

Jakarta – The 2019 Press Freedom Index in Papua is still in the lowest position out of Indonesia’s 34 provinces. The Press Freedom Index for Papua stands at 66.56 or “slightly free”, or only one level above “almost free”.

Detik News – November 3, 2019

Yulida Medistiara, Jakarta – President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo will personally select the members of the new Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) oversight committee. Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) Chairperson Asfinawati says that the KPK oversight committee will become an extension of the president’s authority.

Detik News – November 3, 2019

Muhammad Fida Ul Haq, Jakarta – State Secretary Pratikno says that President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo respects the judicial review of the new Corruption Eradication Commission Law (UU KPK) at the Constitutional Court (MK) and will not interfere with the process by issuing a government regulation in lieu of law (Perppu) to annul the law.

Detik News – November 2, 2019

Jakarta – Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) is disappointed with President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo because he has failed to issue a government regulation in lieu of law (Perppu) to annul Law Number 19/2019 on the Corruption Eradication Commission (UU KPK).

October 2019

CNN Indonesia – October 30, 2019

Jakarta – The Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) has released a report which cites educational institutions as one of the main actors in the violation of freedom of expression. Campuses, for example, have prevented students from taking part in protest actions.