
June 2019

CNN Indonesia – June 27, 2019

Jakarta – Thousands of people “safeguarding” a challenge to the 2019 presidential election result at the Constructional Court by the loosing presidential ticket of Prabowo Subianto and Sandiaga Uno converged on Jl Medan Merdeka Barat in Central Jakarta on Thursday June 27.

Indonesia – June 27, 2019

Ferry Noviandi, Ismail – Falcon Picture is again producing a film based on a story taken from a novel by Indonesia foremost author Pramoedya Ananta Toer. This time, Falcon Pictures is working on a film titled The Fugitive (Perburuan).

Indonesia – June 25, 2019

Pebriansyah Ariefana and Stephanus Aranditio – The Jakarta Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesia (UNUSIA) Research and Social Service Institute (LPPM) has found that trans-national exclusive Islamic groups have infiltrated eight state tertiary institutions (PTN). There are concerns that this movement will create radicalism among students.

Indonesia – June 25, 2019

Markus Yuwono, Yogyakarta – The Karangtengah 3 State Primary School in Karangtengah Village, Wonosari sub-district, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, has issued a circular on the enrolment of students for the academic year 2019-20 requiring them to wear Muslim uniforms.

Tempo – June 25, 2019

Dewi Nurita, Jakarta – The political parties in Prabowo Subianto’s electoral coalition will determine whether or not they will stay in opposition or join incumbent President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s camp after the Constitutional Court (MK) hands down its decision on the presidential election dispute next Thursday.

CNN Indonesia – June 24, 2019

Jakarta – The Save Jakarta Bay Coalition, which was established by activists, students and fisherpeople, held an action in front of the Jakarta City Hall on Monday June 24 opposing the issuance of building permits (IMB) for land on reclamation project islets in North Jakarta.

Detik News – June 24, 2019

Ray Jordan, Jakarta – Riots broke out at the Polewali Mandar Class IIB Prison in Polewali Mandar regency, West Sulawesi, on Saturday June 22 over of a requirement that inmates seeking parole must be able to read the Koran.

The Justice and Human Rights Ministry has removed Polewali Mandar prison warden Haryoto over the affair.

CNN Indonesia – June 23, 2019

Jakarta – The Jakarta provincial government’s (Pemprov DKI) decision to issue 932 building permits (IMB) for land reclamation project islets in the Jakarta Bay is aimed at providing political certainty to developers to pursue their business activities.

Indonesia – June 22, 2019

Junaedi, Polewali Mandar – Riots broke out at the Polewali Mandar Class IIB Prison (Lapas Polman) in Polewali Mandar regency, West Sulawesi, on Saturday June 22 after prisoners rejected a new parole policy by the prison warden.

Indonesia – June 22, 2019

Chandra Iswinarno and Ria Rizki Nirmala Sari – Razman Arif Nasution, the legal affairs spokesperson for the Joko Widodo-Ma’ruf Amin election campaign team (TKN), says that the National Mandate Party (PAN) and the Democrat Party are beginning to change course towards the Widodo camp.

Detik News – June 20, 2019

Mochamad Zhacky, Jakarta – The Alumni Brotherhood 212 (PA 212), the National Movement to Safeguard the Indonesian Ulema Council’s Fatwa (GNPF-MUI) and a number of other Islamic groups will hold an action to safeguard the final hearing of a challenge to the presidential election result at the Constitutional Court (MK) on June 28.

Detik News – June 20, 2019

Haris Fadhil, Jakarta – One of the witnesses that was to be presented by the legal team representing the loosing 02 presidential ticket of Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno, Haris Azhar, has refused to testify at a challenge to the presidential election (pilpres) result at the Constitutional Court.

Tempo – June 17, 2019

M Rosseno Aji, Jakarta – The 212 Alumni Brotherhood (PA 212) says it will hold a series of protests in the vicinity of the Constitutional Court (MK) in Central Jakarta throughout the legal challenge against the presidential election result by the loosing ticket of Prabowo Subianto and Sandiaga Uno.

Tempo – June 17, 2019

Imam Hamdi, Jakarta – The families of people who died during the May 22 post-election rights in Jakarta went to the offices of the Victims and Witness Protection Agency (KPSK) in East Jakarta on Monday June 17. They were asking the agency for protection because they felt threatened and intimidated by police.

Kompas – June 16, 2019

Abba Gabrillin, Jakarta – A survey by Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC) has found that there has been a declining trend in democratic reforms, particularly following the May 21 and 22 post-election riots in Jakarta.

Tempo – June 16, 2019

Andita Rahma, Jakarta – The deputy chairperson of the House of Representatives’ (DPR) Commission I, Golkar Party politician Satya Widya Yudha, supports a plan by the National Police (Polri) to monitor chats on WhatsApp message groups. This, he said, will be done to prevent the spread of fake news.

CNN Indonesia – June 15, 2019

Jakarta – A number of parties have protested over statements quoted by the loosing Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno presidential ticket in a legal challenge against the presidential election (pilpres) result with the Constitutional Court (MK).

Indonesia – June 14, 2019

Dwi Bowo Raharjo and Novian Ardiansyah – A crowd of protesters have joined in “safeguarding” the first hearing of a challenge to the 2019 presidential election results by the loosing ticket of Prabowo Subianto and running mate Sandiaga Uno at the Constitutional Court.

CNN Indonesia – June 14, 2019

Jakarta – 212 Alumni Brotherhood (PA 212) spokesperson Novel Bamukmin insists that the participants taking part in a peaceful action to “safeguard” the first hearing of a challenge to the 2019 presidential election result at the Constitutional Court (MK) on Friday June 14 are not there as political party (parpol) servants or errand boys.

Detik News – June 14, 2019

Jakarta – The margin of victory claimed by the 02 loosing ticket of Prabowo Subianto and running mate Sandiaga Uno in the 2019 presidential election keeps changing.