Scores of people from the Pancasila Youth (PP) paramilitary group have shut down a film showing and discussion about radical poet Wiji Thukul at the Lintas Kemukus Retreat in Sirau Village, Paduraksa, Central Java, on Sunday August 6, at around 11pm.
August 2017
Depok – Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu has warned young people about the very real danger of drugs and the threat against the state ideology of Pancasila that could threaten the integrity and survival of the nation.
Jayapura – Papuan students from the Papuan Student Alliance (AMP) and the solidarity group the Indonesian People’s Front for West Papua (FRI-WP) have held protests against the 1969 UN sponsored referendum on West Papua’s integration with Indonesia (Pepera), which took place on July 14-August 2, 1969.
Bimo Wiwoho, Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – A workshop held by activists and volunteers from the 1965 Indonesia People’s Tribunal (IPT 65) at the Wisma Samadi in Klender, East Jakarta, was yesterday forcibly closed down by police, the TNI (Indonesian military) and local government officials.
Satya Adhi – An event held to discuss human rights violations that occurred in 1965-1966 has again been closed down by government officials. This time it was an evaluation and planning workshop on human rights violations in 1965-1966 held by the International People’s Tribunal (IPT ‘65) in Klender, East Jakarta, on Tuesday August 1.
July 2017
Edward Febriyatri Kusuma, Jakarta – Coordinating Minister for Politics, Security and Legal Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Wiranto has warned that terrorists could infiltrate various institutions including social organisations (ormas) and government bodies.
Fahrizal Syam, Jakarta – The national police already have a list of social organisations (Ormas) that will be disbanded following the issuance of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) Number 2/2017.
Jakarta – Jakarta Legal Aid Foundation (LBH) Executive Director Alghiffari Aqsa says that Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 2/2017 on Revisions to Law Number 17/2013 on Social Organisations or Perppu Ormas is prone to misuse by the government.
Wulan Nova/Elik S, Jakarta – The Alumni 212 Presidium has held a protest march from the Sunda Kelapa Grand Mosque to the offices of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) to lodge a complete over a case involving Indonesian Unity Party (Perindo) chairperson Hary Tanoesoedibjo.
Filani Olyvia, Jakarta – Presidium Alumni 212 chairperson Ansufri Idrus Sambo says that his organisation does not just defend ulama (Islamic scholars), but anyone who is mistreated, even if they are deemed to kafir (infidel, unbeliever).
Andhika Prasetia, Jakarta – The government has issued Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) Number 2/2017 on Social Organisations. It has already been received by the House of Representatives (DPR) and will be deliberated at the next sitting of the House.
Furqon Amrullah, Jakarta – The House of Representative’s (DPR) official Twitter account (@DPR_RI) held a poll following the issuance of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) Number 2/2017 on Social Organisations. The poll however suddenly vanished from circulation leading many netizens to ask why.
Jakarta – Justice and Human Rights Minister (Menkumham) Yasonna Laoly says that the new Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) on Social Organisations (Ormas) is not just intended for the Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI).
Samsdhuha Wildansyah, Jakarta – As many as 14 Islamic organisations have issued a statement calling on the government to immediately issue a regulation in lieu of law (Perppu) on social organisations (Ormas). They are also pushing the government to immediately disband radical and anti-Pancasila social organisations.
Paniai, Jubi – Hundreds of West Papua National Committee (KNPB) activists in Nabire, West Papua, have reportedly being arrested by the Nabire district police and are now being held by the Nabarua sectoral police.
Danang Firmanto, Jakarta – Culture and Education Minister Muhadjir Effendy has a way to change the state of the national education system. Effendy claims that after being a minister for around one year he now has a method to improve the education sector.
Rizky Andwika – The Coalition to Safeguard the National Human Rights Commission has conducted research on the track record of 60 National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) candidate members.
June 2017
Gumanti Awaliyah, Jakarta – Since June 26, 2015, Starbucks CEO Howard Mark Schultz has supported equality for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people.
When meeting with Starbucks shareholders, Schultz explicitly invited shareholders who do not agree with same-sex marriage to divest their interests in Starbucks.
Dedy Priatmojo, Daru Waskita (Yogyakarta) – There was an unusual sight during the 1438th Idul Fitri prayers at the Wonosari Square in the Gunungkidul regency of Yogyakarta province, Central Java, on the morning of Sunday June 25. The congregation dispersed in the middle of a sermon by mosque preacher Ikhsan Nuriansyah Bajuri.
Syahdan Alamsyah, Sukabumi – Indonesian military (TNI) chief General Gatot Nurmantyo says that the simultaneous 171717 events that are to be held nationwide on August 17 at 5pm, which are being initiated by the TNI, will be a love and affection (kasih saying) action that will involve all religious elements, particularly Muslims as the majority r