
June 2005

Sinar Harapan – June 14, 2005

Jakarta – The Indonesian Association of Families of Missing Persons (Ikohi) is urging retired General Wiranto to clarify his statement that 14 activists who were disappeared between 1997-1998 and who’s whereabouts are still unknown are in fact dead.

Media Indonesia – June 14, 2005

Jakarta – The Fact Finding Team (TPF) investigating the death of Munir has found documents containing four plots to kill the human rights activist.

Indonesia – June 14, 2005

Ahmad Dani, Jakarta – Slightly built human rights activist Munir appears to have been the target of a huge conspiracy by a ‘rogue’ group. The evidence, four attempts were planned against his life. And one of the methods was certainly not ‘intellectual’: using black magic.

Tempo Interactive – June 13, 2005

Erwin Dariyanto, Jakarta – On Thursday June 16 the Fact Finding Team (TPF) in the death of human rights activist Munir will again invite Abdullah Mahkmud Hendropriyono in for questioning. The former National Intelligence Agency (BIN) director’s lawyer however has responded by challenging the team to a public debate.

Suara Pembaruan – June 11, 2005

Jakarta – A number of non-government organisations support the government’s efforts to resolve the Aceh problem by continuing the dialogue with the Free Aceh Movement (GAM).

Kompas – June 11, 2005

Banda Aceh – At least 35 women academics, legal practitioners, activists and students visited the Aceh Provincial Legislative Council (DPRD) at midday on Friday June 10.

Koran Tempo – June 10, 2005

Jakarta – Yesterday, Megawati Sukarnoputri inaugurated the Volunteers for Democratic Struggle (Relawan Perjuangan Demokrasi, Repdem), a social organisation affiliated with the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P). At the same time, the general chairperson of PDI-P also inaugurated Repdem members as members of her party.

Aceh – June 9, 2005

Alisa P, Jakarta – In a report on the results of the military operation over the two years that Aceh was under a state of emergency to members of the People’s Representative Assembly’s (DPR) Commission I, armed forces (TNI) chief General Endriartono Sutarto failed to mention the number of civilian casualties reporting only on the members of Free

Suara Pembaruan – June 9, 2005

Jakarta – A number of former activist who were part of the popular struggle against the New Order regime have formally joined the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P).

Tempo Interactive – June 8, 2005

Sunariah, Jakarta – Cabinet Secretary Sudi Silalahi has said that the time limit for the Fact Finding Team (TPF) investigation into the death of human rights activist Munir will be extended if by June 23 they have not finished their job and uncovered the perpetrator of Munir’s murder.

Tempo Interactive – June 7, 2005

Dusk had only just fallen when a black Land Cruiser entered the grounds of the national police headquarters on Jalan Trunojoyo in South Jakarta on Sunday May 29. Just a few metres from the gate the vehicle stopped. “Should we turn right Sir? To the chief of police’s office”, asked the driver. “Ah, you. No!

Kompas – June 7, 2005

Jakarta – The Minister of Defense, Juwono Sudarsono, says that the Helsinki meetings which are an informal forum for discussions between Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) are a personal initiative on the part of Vice-president Jusuf Kalla.

Kompas – June 6, 2005

Jakarta – Deputy police chief General Commissioner Adang Daradjatun has acknowledged that it may take 15-25 years for the Indonesian police to be able overcome its culture of violence and this depends on developing factors which support and impede the process. Nevertheless, this cannot become an obstacle to the independence of the police.

Tempo Interactive – June 6, 2005

Dwi Wiyana, Bandung – Army Chief General Djoko Santoso said the TNI (armed forces) duties’ are to safeguard the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Aceh. But he said if the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) continues to create disturbances armed clashes can’t be avoided.

Kompas – June 6, 2005

Jakarta – The Attorney General supports public floggings as punishment for cases of gambling in Aceh. This support was conveyed by the Attorney General when meeting with a number of Acehnese figures last week to discuss Qanun (by-law) Number 13/2003 on gambling which stipulates the punishment of public flogging.

Kompas – June 5, 2005

Jakarta – The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) Reform Movement's "opposition" to the party's central leadership board led by Megawati Sukarnoputri continues unabated. Indeed there is a possibility that they will form a new political party if their legal efforts run aground1.

Tempo Interactive – June 5, 2005

Agus Supriyanto, Jakarta – Tristanti Mitayani, a parliamentary member of Commission I, says she disagrees with the deputy speaker of parliament, Soetardjo Suryogoeritno, who said that the parliament is demanding that government end negotiations with Free Aceh Movement (GAM).

Indonesia – June 4, 2005

Bagus Kurniawan, Yogyakarta – Law Number 7/2004 on Water Resources continues to encounter opposition. Actions against the law were once again organised by hundreds of farmers, students and non-government organisations in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta on Saturday June 4.

Aceh – June 3, 2005

Luhur Hertanto, Jakarta – The People’s Representative Assembly (DPR) is free express its strident opposition to the Helsinki meetings but the government will not end the meetings which are aimed at reaching an agreement with the Free Aceh Movement (GAM).

Aceh – June 3, 2005

Jakarta – The Human Rights Working Group (HRWG), a coalition of non-government organisations who are active in the field of human rights monitoring, are calling on the TNI (armed forces) so submit to and comply with policies issued by the civilian government, particularly policies seeking a peaceful or negotiated settlement to the Aceh conflict.