
June 2004

Indonesia – June 10, 2004

Diyah Kusuwardhani, Jakarta – On July 3, or two days before the election of the next president on July 5, there will be a demonstration against militarism. A massive demonstration is to be held in Jakarta and accompanied by nation-wide actions.

Indonesia – June 10, 2004

Budi Sugiharto, Surabaya – Very strange and mysterious. When demonstrators from the People’s Democratic Party (PRD) wanted to set fire to five posters of the respective presidential and vice-presidential candidates, police rushed in to save President Megawati Sukarnoputri’s picture.

Indonesia – June 9, 2004

Suwarjono, Jakarta – Not enough people are being investigated by police over the July 27 case1. Police must also investigate the general chairperson of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), President Megawati Sukarnoputri, because she left her supporters to be attacked.

Indonesia – June 8, 2004

Suwarjono, Jakarta – Although Sydney Jones has been expelled from Indonesia support for the American national continues to flow. National Intelligence Agency (BIN) chief Hendropriyono believes that those who are supporting the head of the International Crisis Group (IGC) have received money from Jones.

Indonesia – June 8, 2004

Anton Aliabbas, Jakarta – Sydney Jones’ expulsion has created a controversy in its own right in Indonesia. Although there are many who have defended her, there are also however many who want the director of the International Crisis Group (ICG) to go.

Indonesia – June 4, 2004

Gunawan Mashar, Jakarta – Scores of students in the South Sulawesi provincial capital of Makassar from the United Opposition (Front Oposisi Bersatu, BOB) have for the umpteenth time held a demonstration against military presidential and vice-presidential candidates.

Indonesia – June 4, 2004

Arif Shodiq Pujihartom, Jakarta – Scores of activists from the People’s Democratic Party (PRD) demonstrated at the National Election Commission on Friday June 4. They were expressing their opposition to military presidential candidates.

Indonesia – June 3, 2004

Suwarjono, Jakarta – Protests are continuing in response to the deportation of the director of the South-East Asia International Crisis Group (IGC), Sydney Jones.

Indonesia – June 3, 2004

Triono Wahyu Sudibyo, Semarang – Golkar Party vice-presidential candidate Salahuddin Wahid will soon be launch a VCD titled “Gus Solah [Salahuddin’s nickname] responds”. The launch will be a clarification to counter all of the accusations of gross human rights violations by [Golkar presidential candidate former armed forces chief] Wiranto.

Kompas – June 1, 2004

Bekasi – Residents of the Jakarta satellite city of Bekasi who are fed up with the poor condition of roads have again taken action by planting trees on damaged roads. Not only that, on Monday May 31 they also released fish into the larger pot holes on Jalan Perjuangan which are constantly full of water.

May 2004

Indonesia – May 31, 2004

Budi Hartadi, Surabaya – The day before the presidential campaign was to start around 150 activists from the Indonesian National Student Movement (GMNI) and the National University Student Executive Council (BEM) demonstrated against military presidential candidates and burnt Golkar Party T-shirts and military clothing.

Indonesia – May 31, 2004

Dian Intannia, Jakarta – Scores of students from the City Network (Jaringan Kota) have again demonstrated against military presidential and vice-presidential candidates by burning photographs of [former armed forces chief and Golkar presidential candidate] Wiranto, [former coordinating minister for politics and security and Democratic Party pres

Koran Tempo – May 28, 2004

Jakarta – An intelligence coordinating meeting which was held yesterday has yet to officially recommend that the director of the International Crisis Group (IGC) Sydney Jones be expelled from Indonesia.

Indonesia – May 21, 2004

Muchus Budi R., Solo – Commemorating six years since the fall of Suharto, students and non-government organisations (NGOs) held a demonstration in Solo, Central Java, on Friday May 21.

Indonesia – May 21, 2004

Danang Sangga Buwana, Jakarta – National Mandate Party presidential candidate Amien Rais has promised himself that he will not use negative campaign methods in the presidential elections because as well as not being educational it will create an acrimonious atmosphere.

Indonesia – May 21, 2004

Gunawan Mashar, Makassar – The fall of President Suharto six years ago was also commemorated by hundreds of Makassar students in South Sulawesi who held simultaneous demonstrations at four different locations on Friday May 21.

Indonesia – May 21, 2004

Gede Suardana, Denpasar – Although anti-military demonstrations in Jakarta have proceeded safely, it wasn’t so in Denpasar Bali.

Aceh – May 19, 2004

Dian Intannia, Jakarta – Army chief (KSAD) General Ryamizard Ryacudu says that reducing the status of Aceh from martial law to a state of civil emergency will not change the way security operations are conducted. The TNI (armed forces) will also not be withdrawing its troops from Aceh.

West Papua – May 19, 2004

Suwarjono, Jakarta – Opposition to presidential and vice-presidential candidates from the military are surfacing again. A coalition of West Papuan non-government organisations (NGOs) say that presidential candidates with a military background will make it difficult to uphold values of human rights in Indonesia.

Kompas Cyber Media – May 17, 2004

Banda Aceh – On Monday May 17, demonstrations calling for the governor of Aceh, Abdullah Puteh, to resign from his post took place in three separate locations in Aceh.